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We’re baaaaaack 15 Oct 2010 | 06:39 am

Out of hiberntion n rey to estroy New shirts re up n rey to be boughten Hook it up son !

No Apologies 14 Nov 2009 | 03:07 am

[cption i="" lign="lignnone" with="475" cption="Fuck the No Fun Legue"] [/cption] So Brent Celek&8217;s Cptin Morgn pose i hve reson Cptin Morgn onte $10k to the Griiron Grets fun The fun tht gives m...

It’s the Limit 12 Nov 2009 | 10:53 am

[cption i="" lign="lignnone" with="420" cption="Relly Shne? Come on Mn!"] [/cption] Shne won his secon gol glove toy But I woul be remiss if I in&8217;t rip my wife&8217;s Pvorite Phillie Here I&821...

Shut Down! 12 Nov 2009 | 10:46 am

Joselio Hnson&8217;s of the Egles hs been suspene for violting the legues &8216;roi policy Oh n Ellis Hobbs is one for the yer AWESOME! Better luck next yer

Square One 10 Nov 2009 | 04:36 am

[cption i="" lign="lignnone" with="400" cption="He Down is Gret Ie"] [/cption] This tem is blowing my min An I hve foun the scpegot Michel Vick He hs messe up the chemistry of this tem, big time He...

Wildcat announcer gone…well…wild? 9 Nov 2009 | 04:00 pm

I h her bout this on the fcebooks but couln&8217;t rum up link Luckily one of our fine reers psse this long I ws hoping to see GOB fter the finl countown whistle&8230;CMON! Thnks to Mrk W for pssing ...

Clinched Fists. Black Eyes 7 Nov 2009 | 09:50 am

[cption i="" lign="lignnone" with="355" cption="Brett n his son Colt t Spring Trining this yer"] [/cption] Brett Myers creer s Phillie, hs ene Here&8217;s wht he h to sy bout it to Jim Slusbury &822...

Capitalism Prevails… 6 Nov 2009 | 02:20 pm

I hte whiners&8230;n I&8217;m too bitter n bumme to write nything of importnce or eloquence But this ue&8230;he sys it ll: &8220;They on’t just spen more money thn every other tem They spen A LOT mor...

and Guns Like Me 6 Nov 2009 | 05:54 am

[cption i="" lign="lignnone" with="400" cption="Vincente shoul hve poune Nick Swisher some more"] [/cption] The Pill Floti must be bumme Pill ws shot by his SHOOTING INSTRUCTOR! Re the story here Wht...

This just in… 6 Nov 2009 | 04:33 am

Cole Hmels is stoke&8230;

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