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Eating Italy: on the relation between reading and living 25 Aug 2013 | 04:42 am

I have often heard of a distinction – though I have never understood it – between reading books and something called real life experience. We are, apparently, supposed to believe that reading and livi...

The Judaeological argument for the existence of the devil 24 Aug 2013 | 04:23 am

I know it's an unedifying question, but has anyone ever tried to construct an argument to prove the existence of the devil? I've wondered about this from time to time. Perhaps one way of proving the e...

Rock songs for yet another 25 theologians 21 Aug 2013 | 02:10 am

by Kim Fabricius Tertullian: “Spirit in the Sky” (Norman Greenbaum) Donatus: “Perfect” (Alanis Morisette) John Cassian: “With a Little Help from My Friends” (Beatles) John Chrysostom: “Word of Mou...

Reflected glory: Imitation, biography and moral formation in early Christianity 13 Aug 2013 | 01:51 pm

I wrote this piece for ABC Religion & Ethics, and am re-posting it here. While some Christian writers drew freely on ancient Roman ideas of virtue and self-care, the characteristic way early Christia...

Dog-days doodlings 31 Jul 2013 | 05:15 am

by Kim Fabricius There once was a dentist named Thomas And a hunky optician, Adonis; With a hangman called Fred They sold stickers that said: “Honk Twice for the Lex Talionis!” The trouble with ...

Rock songs for another 25 theologians 28 Jul 2013 | 04:27 am

by Kim Fabricius (a sequel to 50 rock songs) Cyprian of Carthage: “Oh Mama” (Speed Orange) George Fox: “The Sound of Silence” (Simon & Garfunkel) Friedrich Schleiermacher: “More Than a Feeling” (Bo...

Rock songs for 50 theologians 27 Jul 2013 | 04:32 am

by Kim Fabricius Irenaeus: “Long Road Out of Eden” (Eagles) Origen: “The First Cut Is the Deepest” (Sheryl Crow) Pelagius: “The Fall of the World’s Own Optimist” (Aimee Mann) St. Augustine: “Tortu...

Apostles' Creed for very conservative/charismatic evangelicals 24 Jul 2013 | 03:07 am

by Kim Fabricius (reposted from Connexions) I believe in God the Father All-macho-mighty, patriarch and misogynist, Steroidal Spirit, intelligent-designer and micro-manager of heaven and earth. Aw...

Apostles' Creed for liberals 23 Jul 2013 | 09:23 am

by Kim Fabricius (reposted from Connexions) I believe in God the Father, Mother, Life-Force, or whatever metaphor tickles your fancy, fashioner of heaven and earth from the stuff generated by the B...

Letter to the Virgin of Vladimir 21 Jul 2013 | 10:52 am

Dear Lady, All my life I have felt the lack of a sister. I grew up among boys, the second of three brothers, and whenever I look out at the world I see it through a brother's eyes. The world for me i...

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