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What would it take for the Chicago Cubs to obtain Justin Upton? 11 Jan 2013 | 11:07 am

What would it take for the Cubs to obtain Justin Upton? It's possible a deal might get done somewhere before anyone even reads this posting, so I will make this quick. It was announced tonight that ...

Bring back Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross! 27 Dec 2012 | 01:03 pm

 Bring on Chrono Trigger (or Cross) part 3! Not many people know it.......but I was a huge RPG game fan growing up. Absolutely loved playing games like Final Fantasy and Dragon Warrior. However, one...

Jon's Business Ideas: The Bitch Slapper 14 Dec 2012 | 08:27 pm

Disclaimer:  Most of the articles on this blog are of a decent intellectual nature. I go off the cliff every once in a while..........and this idea is one of those times. "THE BITCH SLAPPER" What a ...

10 Websites I Visit every Week 28 Nov 2012 | 10:57 am

The internet is a great big place. However, most of us only visit a handful of sites on a weekly basis. Here are the websites that Jon enjoys the most, in no particular order whatsoever. 1.  MLB Tra...

Making the Case for Tony Campana 14 Nov 2012 | 08:19 am

Making the Case for Tony Campana Follow Tony Campana on Twitter The Chicago Cubs brass over the last decade have not put a high value on speed. After reading Cubs beat reporter Carrie Muskat's lates...

An Open Letter to Facebook - 5 Ideas 17 Oct 2012 | 04:17 am

Facebook was the big talk in the financial community in 2012. I imagine that most of the people who read this blog (all 5 of you) are not interested much in the economics of these things so I will ma...

Looking ahead to the 2013 Chicago Cubs 22 Sep 2012 | 09:49 pm

The 2012 Chicago Cubs season is wrapping up and there is no reason to cry and whine. We expected this would be a season of turmoil and we received what we anticipated. Positive signs include: - Dar...

An Open Challenge to Gary Johnson 30 Aug 2012 | 09:41 am

An Open Challenge to Gary Johnson Visit 2012 Presidential Libertarian Nominee Gary Johnson's Website On many blogs around the internet, even large ones who are filled with Ron Paul supporters, we kee...

Rudy Guilani's Reading List - Revisited 30 Aug 2012 | 07:34 am

Disclaimer:   There will be no "Rudy" chants as a result of this posting. Rudy Guiliani is back.  And it's obvious he is still sore about his exchange with Ron Paul from the 2008 Presidential debates...

9 Ways to Overcome the Fear of Rejection 26 Aug 2012 | 10:56 pm

- No. - I'm sorry.  I don't think that will be a good fit for me. - You are just not my type. - I don't like you. - Not interested. - Beat it skippy! You have probably been told one of the above at s...

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