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Breast feeding 29 May 2012 | 09:10 pm

Hello, I am new to Forums, but have a problem that someone may be able to help me with. My baby wont latch on and I have given up trying and given her the bottle with formula. I feel so guilty not bre...

Re: How young is too young for daycare? 12 May 2012 | 12:12 am

My daughter started at 6 months and loved, but every baby is different. Why dont you consider part time work.

How young is too young for daycare? 10 May 2012 | 03:52 am

My baby is 3 months old and my mother in law has said that I should go back to work if I want to and she will look after my baby during the day but I am struggling to decide whether it's too soon. Doe...

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