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Check out this video of me and Andy from Wye Oak jammin’... 20 Dec 2011 | 11:14 am
[Flash 10 is required to watch video.] Check out this video of me and Andy from Wye Oak jammin’ on the new loaner kit C&C drums sent my way. candcdrums: pattern is movement’s chris ward riffs on ou...
Best Deal on Oak Wood Vanity With Table & Bench Set – Best Prices @ Oak Wood Vanity With Table 25 Jan 2012 | 09:29 am
Buy Oak Wood Vanity With Table & Bench Set – Lowest Prices on Oak Wood Vanity With Table Usually ships in 1-2 business days Over 25$ Free shipping The best price on Oak Wood Vanity With Table . The...
Lieblingslieder 2011: 20 - 16 26 Dec 2011 | 01:10 pm
20 Wye Oak // Civilian In einer etwas gerechteren Welt wären Wye Oak mit ihrer Mischung aus Folk und Indie-Rock 2011 ordentlich durch die Decke gegangen. Immerhin der Titeltrack »Civilian« erntete di...
[new] Wye Oak – My Neighbor/My Creator EP 20 Mar 2010 | 07:51 am
A new EP is out from the Baltimore slow-core duo Wye Oak. Their last release was one of my "must-hear" albums of 2009, and this one is great as well. Here's the opening track: Wye Oak - "I Hope You D...
The best of traditional oak wood furniture 8 Aug 2012 | 03:37 pm
A home is incomplete without elegant and functional sustainable furniture. The best sustainable furniture is the traditional furniture produced from wood. Wood may be the material associated with pref...
Dungeonesse 15 Jun 2013 | 10:43 am
Dungeonesse is the electro-pop side project of Jenn Wasner of Wye Oak and John Ehrens of White Life. While the music is a night and day difference from Wye Oak, Wasner’s unmistakable voice is as stron...
2012 Land Report Best Brokerages: Mossy Oak Properties Delta Land Management Co. 13 Aug 2013 | 08:33 pm
Mossy Oak Properties Delta Land Management Co. (866) 604-4707 2012 Sales: $50 – $100 Million Who: With headquarters in North Little Rock, this Mossy Oak affiliate specialize...
Let's play a game... 15 Aug 2013 | 01:10 am I'm absolutely obsessed with the meaning of this Wye Oak song. I have been for months now. I've come up with conflicting interpretations. And I can't find an interview or some such thing whe...
Caring for your Brooklyn Oak Furniture 19 Dec 2011 | 01:58 pm
So you’ve bought some of the best quality furniture on the market today and now you want to make sure that it stays pristine. Brooklyn Oak is crafted from the finest American and Russian pale oaks so ...
What is the best color to paint your kitchen walls? 17 May 2012 | 11:29 am
I have redone my kitchen (two tone) with high gloss black cabinets and light shell oak cabinets. My countertops are white ceaserstone, with black and silver appliances. What is the best color to paint...