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Prepare to be amazed! 24 Mar 2012 | 06:28 am

14 months in the making, 42 countries and a cast of thousands! Okay this is not a new video, but it still never cease to amaze me! I secretly longed to do what he has done..not the dancing part thoug...

SRIMPI DANCE 30 Apr 2012 | 02:36 pm

"Srimpi Dance" A Traditional Dance from Central Java - Indonesia media : Drawing Pen 2011

Na Serra, Grêmio inicia pré-temporada. 7 Jan 2012 | 07:13 pm

                 A torcida gremista tomou conta de Bento Gonçalves no início da tarde de sexta-feira. Espalhados pelas ruas, em frente ao hotel e na parte central da cidade, torcedores cantavam e vibr...

Cuándo decir NO a los niños de 3 a 5 años 25 Mar 2011 | 05:19 am

¿Cómo poner normas y limites a tus hijo cuando solo tienen de tres a cinco años? Vivimos en una sociedad en la que el niño suele ser la parte central de la familia,quizás la más importante. Tenemos po...

A Tale of Two Dances - Part 2 18 May 2011 | 02:20 pm

Prom -- so much stress & preparation for one single dance!! The whole thing had Megan and her friends occupied for months - who's going with whom, what to wear, what group to attend dinner with, etc....

Cabañas Barcelona 22 Sep 2011 | 08:10 am

Galería de imágenes [Gallery not found] Ubicación Avenida Costanera # 7 Descripción Tiene el agrado de invitarlos a conocer nuestro centro turístico ubicado en la parte Central de la Península de...

Frisco Freakout! 29 Sep 2011 | 08:28 pm

KUSF is proud to sponsor the Fourth Annual Frisco Freakout, happening Saturday, October 8 at Thee Parkside. Join us from 1:30pm-2am, yeah ALL DAY, as we rock out with some crazy psychedelic dance part...

Encofrado de losa maciza 15 Sep 2011 | 08:22 pm

Encofrado de losa maciza. Se deberá encofrar toda la superficie de la losa teniendo en cuenta que se debe dar la respectiva contra-flecha en la parte central de la losa. Colocar tablas de 1 ” ...

The History of Salsa Dancing Part 3 - From Mambo To Salsa 15 Dec 2008 | 02:52 pm

History of Salsa Dancing Part 1/3 History of Salsa Dancing Part 2/3 History of Salsa Dancing Part 3/3 1973 A Puerto Rican named Izzy Sanabria launched a TV show called "Salsa" along with Latin NY Mag...

The History of Salsa Dancing Part 2 - The Rise of Mambo 15 Dec 2008 | 02:48 pm

History of Salsa Dancing Part 1/3 History of Salsa Dancing Part 2/3 History of Salsa Dancing Part 3/3 The mambo dance first appeared in the United States in New York's Park Plaza Ballroom - a favorit...

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