Most domesticated banana ray comfort related news are at: – Truth-Saves

Why they can’t coexist 10 Oct 2011 | 01:36 pm

We have all seen those COEXIST stickers. At first they look like a good message, but they simply support ignoring problems instead addressing and fixing them. Here is a graphical demonstration of why ...

Jesus Potter Harry Christ 26 Sep 2011 | 01:54 pm

Jesus Potter Harry Christ doesn't question Christianity directly, instead it aims to question by comparison. As the title suggests, this book makes a comparison between the globally worshiped figures ...

More domesticated banana ray comfort related news:

Hollywood High Students to Receive Movie Debunking Evolution 10 Aug 2013 | 10:14 pm

That is the headline of a press release printed unedited in the Sacramento Bee. The movie, by Ray Comfort of banana fame, is an excruciating 35 minutes of quote-mined sound bites, mostly from undergra...

WorldNetDaily Goes Wild Over Ray Comfort 27 Aug 2013 | 08:18 pm

We’ve posted a few times about the creationist “documentary” by Ray Comfort, who is best known for his starring role in Ray Comfort’s “Banana video”. Our most recent post was Food Fight: Ray Comfort v...

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