Most dug srbije related news are at: – Početna | Biznis i Finansije

Indusi krive zvezde za pad rupije 27 Aug 2013 | 06:30 pm

Građani Indije za rekordno nisku vrednost rupije krive vlasti koje su odlučile da prošle godine lansiraju novi simbol za domaću valutu “na nesrećan dan”. Naime, po mišljenju stručnjaka za vastu shastr...

Sutra u Beogradu protest poljoprivrednika 27 Aug 2013 | 06:10 pm

Poljoprivrednici iz južnog Banata i Srema najavili su da će sutra  organizovati protestnu vožnju traktorima do Vlade Srbije i da će blokati nekoliko poljoprivrednih kompanija.    Razlog njihovog nezad...

More dug srbije related news:

JAVNI DUG RASTE 17 Oct 2012 | 05:07 pm

Javni dug 15,8 milijardi evraIzvor: Beta Beograd -- Javni dug Srbije na kraju septembra ove godine iznosio je 15,85 milijardi evra, odnosno 1.823 milijardi dinara.

PRESSING br. 67 13 Jul 2013 | 08:38 pm

U novom broju Pressinga istražujemo koliko vredi diploma, osvrćemo se na medijsku scenu Niša, analiziramo spoljni dug Srbije, pričamo sa Zvonkom, Gerom, Muminom, Eyotom, Nahtyjem...

Dužni kao...mi 13 Jul 2013 | 09:24 pm

Piše: Ivana Božić Miljković Spoljni dug Srbije Analizirajući politiku i ekonomiju Srbije u poslednjih dvadesetak godina, stiče se utisak da tokovima našeg individualnog i društvenog života upravljaju...

Blueprint for a Man’s Life 24 Aug 2011 | 07:42 am

I dug Penelope Trunk’s post, Blueprint for a Woman’s Life. She brought it strong and as usual her stuff was controversial, which I like. I didn’t agree with all of her points–most actually–but it’s wo...

Top 12 Useful Paypal IPN Web Pages 9 Aug 2010 | 11:51 pm

The top 12 really useful Paypal IPN web pages as selected by Designer Tuts. The Paypal website itself is obviously one of the best but we have dug down to find the most useful of their vast collectio...

After 111 years, soil survey complete 9 Nov 2010 | 12:21 am

Last acre ceremony is Wednesday by Patricia Benoit Telegram Staff Writer For more than a century, scientists have trod the sod - 172 million acres over 254 counties. The final hole has been dug, an...

WordPress 19 Oct 2008 | 11:34 pm

This site is running on WordPress now. For a long time I had nursed my WP prejudices regarding code quality and style. Now that I have dug around in it quite a bit, I don’t feel particularly convince...

Happy Halloween – 1/8 Horizon Alien 2 Nov 2010 | 10:38 am

Never got the will to finish this kit – on of the first I’ve bought. But this year I thought I could make something for Halloween, so I dug up this  oldie and tried to finish it quick. However after f...

studiranje arhitekture u inostranstvu 8 Oct 2009 | 08:43 pm

ukoliko ima nekog ko ima iskustva studiranja aritekture van srbije voleo bih da čujem kako sve to funkcioniše ja ću drugi put pokušati da upišem ovaj beogradski,ali sa roditeljima razmatram mogućnost...

Dođite i izliječite se smijehom! 20 Apr 2012 | 10:02 pm

Danas počinje jubilarni, 10. međunarodni festival komedije “Mostarska liska” u čijoj je konkurenciji sedam predstava iz BiH, Hrvatske, Srbije i Crne Gore.

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