Most electoral related news are at: – ElectoralVote

Wed, Aug. 20 Electoral Vote Predictor 20 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm

Ted Cruz Releases His Birth Certificate The junior senator from Texas, Ted Cruz (R), has released his Canadian birth certificate, issued by the city of Edmonton, Alberta. Here it is: Click here for ...

Thu, Aug. 14 Electoral Vote Predictor 14 Aug 2013 | 04:00 pm

Booker on Track to Become Senator from New Jersey Newark Mayor Cory Booker won a resounding victory in yesterday's Democratic primary to fill the seat of the late Frank Lautenberg who died in office ...

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El creix un 25% en l’últim mes i lidera la jornada electoral 15 Dec 2011 | 11:04 pm

El va ser líder dels mitjans en català a internet el dia de les eleccions generals. El 20 de novembre, 101.000 usuaris únics van entrar al portal de notícies i hi van veure 833.000 pàgines. La...

A state-by-state look at the road to 270 29 May 2012 | 08:01 am

By The Associated Press An analysis of the state-by-state race to 270 electoral votes, the total needed to win the presidency, and where Democratic President Barack Obama and probable Republican nomi...

A state-by-state look at the road to 270 27 May 2012 | 08:01 am

By The Associated Press An analysis of the state-by-state race to 270 electoral votes, the total needed to win the presidency, and where Democratic President Barack Obama and probable Republican nomi...

If Spain Can Do It, So Can We! Ruling Socialists Beaten 23 May 2011 | 10:37 am

“Spain’s Socialists suffered their worst electoral defeat in more than 30 years as voters punished Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero’s party for soaring unemployment and spending cuts that a...

Top 21 Most Popular for October 2011 2 Nov 2011 | 04:29 am

Well, October has come and gone. Sadly pTartTX has beaten me by a mere 4% of the votes. Apparently I didn't poll well in Michigan and Georgia, although by my count I won the Electoral College. Top 21 ...

Cine moare de grija altuia? 7 Jan 2012 | 06:06 am

În 2008, în noiembrie, am candidat pentru Parlament. Asta teoretic, pentru că în campania electorală nu s-a discutat aproape deloc despre obiectivele unui parlamentar. Poate că nu a fost aşa în Bucure...

Una papereta farsa apareix en els col·legis electorals 23 May 2011 | 06:38 am

Una de les anècdotes d’aquesta  jornada electoral ha tingut lloc a Vinaròs, on des del PP s’ha denunciat que a diversos col·legis electorals s’havia substituit la papereta oficial per una de falsa, en...

La vesprada electoral a Facebook 23 May 2011 | 06:11 am

20:15 PSPV Morella “PARTICIPACIÓ TOTAL 82,7%. Un punt més que en el 2007″ 20:00 PSPV Morella “Participació Ciurana 81,6%, Confraria 85,2%, Ajuntament tancant mesa” 19:00 PSPV Morella “HEM SOBREPASSA...

El matí electoral pel Facebook 23 May 2011 | 12:02 am

Estem seguint, fins a les 14 hores, com els perfils dels partits polítics de les nostres comarques estan donant informació a través de les xarxes socials, en aquest cas Facebook. Podem veure com de pr...

Revista de premsa – dissabte, 21 de maig 22 May 2011 | 10:29 am

Després de dues setmanes de campanya i mesos de precampanya i de fer bullir l’olla electoral, d’ací unes hores es procedirà a les votacions. Abans però, i atès que en teoria ja ha passat la jornada de...

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