Most enlarge virtualbox disk related news are at: – giannis_tsakiris | mostly programming-related stuff

C++: calling a member function pointer 7 Sep 2012 | 02:08 am

This article is about calling a member function (method) through a "function pointer". I decided to write about it because it tricked me for a while, and I think this may be useful to others. I will ...

How to convert FLAC to MP3 on command line 20 Feb 2012 | 04:37 am

First install ffmpeg (WinFF on Windows) and LAME. Then to convert a .flac to .mp3 type this on the command line: ffmpeg -i "xxx.flac" -acodec libmp3lame -ab 128000 "xxx.mp3"

More enlarge virtualbox disk related news:

How to install Windows 8 contiguous with normal OS 6 Oct 2011 | 02:41 am

1. VirtualBox can be installed in most new Intel or AMD. Requires 30 MB of disk space for your own code base, and we’ll recommend a 60 GB additional space for each virtual machine to install, since it...

Disk2vhd VirtualBox Windows 7 Error 25 Mar 2012 | 06:26 am

Creando un'immagine virtuale del sistema operativo Windows 7 con Disk2vhd e montandola con VirtualBox potremmo avere il seguente errore: "A disk read error occurred Press Ctrl+Alt+Del to restart" So...

Virtualbox dan VmWare'a Doğru (*.vdi to *.vmdk) 26 Mar 2011 | 01:12 am

Qemu yüklü değilse yüklüyoruz. Debian paket sistemi kullananlar için Raw hard disk'imizi *.vmdk formatına çeviriyoruz. İşlemler bittikten sonra VmWare'da yeni bir makine oluşturuyoruz. Resimde gör...

Test With IE On Your Mac OS X 4 Apr 2010 | 07:33 am

Requirements: - Mac OS X (Snow Leopard was used for this article) - XAMPP/Apache or Mac webserver of your choice - VirtualBox - Windows XP, Vista, or 7 install disk - IETester (allows for testing...

Increase VirtualBox hard drive size 3 Aug 2012 | 10:25 am

I installed Windows 8 RC in VirtualBox with 25G virtual disk size, which squeezed with Office 2013 and Visual Studio 2012. Then, only 2G disk space is available. Now, I have two options, 1. Reinstall ...

Fixing the “No space left on disk error” – Ubuntu 18 Oct 2012 | 08:52 pm

Let’s say your on a Windows box, and then you install an Ubuntu VM with VirtualBox. Maybe you give it a default 4GB or 8GB HDD, and then you start installing the things you need to work in your enviro...

Cannot register the hard disk because a hard disk already exists VirtualBox 17 Dec 2012 | 08:05 am

Masalah : Saat akan menambah existing harddisk di VirtualBox muncul error “Cannot register the hard disk {9a542fd3-3d1b-44f0-98c0-e0687e3688b3} because a hard disk already exists” Solusi : Buka comman...

Increasing Size of your VirtualBox virtual disk 5 Mar 2013 | 11:37 pm

Today my PHP application on my linux virtual server was giving me a ton of error on simply allocating space for sessions. I couldn’t have actually ran out of space but it was worth the check. df -h 10...

Fixing the “No space left on disk error” – Ubuntu 18 Oct 2012 | 08:52 pm

Let’s say your on a Windows box, and then you install an Ubuntu VM with VirtualBox. Maybe you give it a default 4GB or 8GB HDD, and then you start installing the things you need to work in your enviro...

VirtualBox UUID already exists 14 Aug 2013 | 12:23 pm

  北街发现当 Virtualbox 虚拟机拷贝一份 vdi 文件出来并准备在同一个系统里打开的时候会出现 “UUID already exists” 的错误(具体报错信息如下),这种问题的解决办法就是重新设置这个存储磁盘的 UUID。 Failed to open the hard disk G:\oraclevm\ha2.vdi. Cannot register the hard disk...

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