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Stylust Beats – King of Thugstep Mixtape 17 May 2012 | 06:17 pm
Stylust Beats from Vancouver, Canada. Stylust Beats on Soundcloud
EBM’s Freshest Rising Star – urBn:LgNd 15 Apr 2012 | 02:32 pm
In just a few short months, female Bass DJ/Producer, Kristine Urban, aka urBn:LgNd, has emerged atop S0-Cal’s underground electronic music scene. The Kansas-raised, bass-junkie was classically-trai...
More houses lo-fi lp related news:
EugeneKha - SNOWMAN 10 Mar 2009 | 01:04 am
Печаль и надежда - все это Snowman. Над этим трэком я очень долго работал, добиваясь особой атмосферы и звучания, соединяя живой звук (студийную запись) и сэмплы. Плюс налет lo-fi звучания в духе пост...
Frankie Rose And The Outs 7 May 2012 | 01:43 am
A brilliant amalgamation of shoegazey, girl group sweetness, fuzz rock and a Spectorish wall of sound. I bought this a year or so ago and it's been a regular fixture in the car. Quite lo-fi, but ...
Reverb Worship 30 Apr 2012 | 05:10 am
This is so lovely. Lo-fi without being hissy. Massively intimate. She's not a million miles away from the stuff that Grouper is doing. A bit twee, but in a good way. A handmade limited edition. ...
The Mummies - Play Their Own Records! 2 Dec 2011 | 07:37 pm
The Mummies were the ultimate lo-fi garage punk noise act, partially a nutty monster novelty group but also the best band playing in the style, hands down. There's a lot more than just caveman rock h...
The Black Angels 8 Nov 2010 | 08:55 am
I've been having a field day with The Black Angels lately. Somewhere between Radiohead's etherial melodies, Subrig Destroyer endless drone, and The Magnetic Fields' lo-fi distortion, is this gem that ...
FirstHouseFinancial 2 Jan 2001 | 10:01 am firsthousefinancial First House Financial Fi...
Lomo 19 Nov 2011 | 08:40 am
Back in the early ‘60s, the Diana camera was a cult legend, famous for its dreamy, radiant, lo-fi images. 2010 asked some creative heads in Berlin and Germany to design customized clone...
Sebadoh : Rebound, Skull, Ocean, ... 28 Jun 2011 | 01:00 am
Pour fêter la sortie de la réédition du Bakesale de Sebadoh, tout simplement leur meilleur album, chez Domino Records, amusons-nous à replonger dans les années lo-fi : des guitares crades, des compos ...
The Go! Team – Rolling Blackouts 22 Mar 2011 | 05:29 am
British lo-fi outfit made groundbreaking work with their debut Thunder, Lightning, Strike. A blend of hip-hop, pop, electronic, bossa nova, and 70s elevator music, The Go! Team was bringing something...
TV on the Radio – Will Do 20 Mar 2011 | 02:23 am
I’ll admit I’ve never the biggest fan of TV On the Radio. I thought they were getting accolades for doing nothing but putting out lo-fi esoteric sounds. That said, I’ll never turn down a great song. “...