Most layton hashtag fail related news are at:

RIP Jack Layton 26 Aug 2011 | 04:53 am
Earlier this week, Canada’s favourite politician, Jack Layton, passed away, after succumbing to a recurrence of the cancer that he’s battled for years. He was a man who embodied his party, the NDP, ...
What in the Hell in the Fuck? Blade Runner 2? 19 Aug 2011 | 06:58 am
So Ridley Scott is producing and directing Blade Runner 2. There really aren’t too many details out. But that was one movie I never thought would have a sequel. No word yet on Harrison Ford, but we ca...
More layton hashtag fail related news:
Are You Failing at Social Media Management? 13 Jun 2013 | 03:30 pm
Well, are you failing at managing your social content and that of other brands you manage? If you’re like many of us who manage several profiles, you probably spend hours curating, organizing, hashtag...
Column: Laat jouw Twitterwall geen #fail worden 22 Aug 2013 | 06:30 pm
Meer en meer events maken tegenwoordig gebruik van een Twitterwall. Een Twitterwall in zijn zuiverste vorm is een groot scherm of projectie waar de tweets van aanwezigen via een bepaalde hashtag op ve...
Don’t let your Twitterwall become a #fail 21 Aug 2013 | 08:11 pm
Nowadays you see Twitterwalls popping up on a lot of events. The basics of a Twitterwall is a big screen or projection where attendants’ tweets with a specific hashtag are being display. But what’s g...