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I completed a sewing challenge! Let me share my Mad Men dress. 22 Apr 2013 | 09:44 am
So. Here it is: My interpretation — or rather Vogue's – of a Joan Holloway dress, made for Julia Bobbin's Mad Men Dress Challenge. I chose not to make mine quite as figure-revealing. And I can hardly ...
Mad Men Dress Challenge 2 ... You in? 31 Jan 2013 | 12:00 pm
Fabulous ladies and gentlemen, lovers of vintage and prettiness: It's the most wonderful time of the year, and I ain't talking about Christmas. I'm talking about ... Mad Men. Yes that's right, the ...
Fashion For Men 15 Jan 2007 | 09:20 pm
Dressing sense is a necessity as the fashion rule. A man should be aware about the color combination of his trouser, shirt, neck-tie, and shoes etc. A man should choose the light colored shirt and dar...
Casiopea: Mad Men Temporada 4 27 Nov 2010 | 12:58 pm
Para quienes pensábamos que el final de la tercera temporada de Mad Men era una jugada maestra pero arriesgada, el estreno a finales de Agosto de la Cuarta temporada de la serie era una cita imprescin...
Mad Men Look一家親 31 Mar 2012 | 01:43 am
Mad Men這套電視劇雖然在時尚界引起很大凡響,但是在現實生活中復刻劇中六十年代的形象也絕非易事,女人們的選擇無非要麽像Joan一樣徹頭徹尾地沙漏形輪廓,無奈大多女性難得她S型身材;要麽像Peggy一樣以秘書裙作切入點,只是難度欠奉略顯刻板;最令我感興趣的是靚太Betty,她那些Dior NEW LOOK的新廓形最具有五六十年代的代表。於是近日就借生日之機完成這個角色扮演的願望。 其實,不要以...
Wingsplay: Invading or Invited? 19 Apr 2012 | 04:48 am
Back in the Mad Men days, advertising mediums were pretty much limited to print, TV and radio, where consumers could keep it at arms length if they wished. With the birth of Internet advertising some...
The Killing – AMC 21 Feb 2011 | 05:13 am
A próxima série do canal AMC, o mesmo de produções como Mad Men e The Walking Dead, já está fazendo furor por ai … A emissora lançou trailers de The Killing, drama sobre um assassinato que acontece nu...
Trio: series en la cola 24 Aug 2010 | 07:47 pm
Tres series que ya sea por recomendaciones, por críticas que he leído por ahí, o ambas razones, están en mi lista de espera. Para cuando acabe con lo que tengo pendiente de Entourage + Mad men + Weeds...
What We Can Learn From Mad Men 9 Nov 2010 | 01:23 am
Critics have raved about AMC’s Mad Men, the show which (according to the NY Observer) has ‘made advertising cool.’ But what can we learn about advertising from the show? Many think Mad Men can be ta...
And was the guy in the grassy knoll from Madison Avenue? 5 Nov 2009 | 07:56 am
The Hathaway Shirts man revealed An article by theatre critic Richard Ouzounian in Tuesday’s Toronto Star, (Time in a Mad Men World) travels the well-tread ground of blaming Madison Avenue for pretty...