Most malmö museum related news are at: – Malmö stad

Malmö sparar pengar på hållbar IT-upphandling 27 Aug 2013 | 12:50 pm

Många trodde att det skulle bli dyrare då Malmö stad ställde hårdare krav på miljö, kvalitet och sociala aspekter vid sina senaste upphandlingar av IT. Men så blev det inte.

Gustavo Nazar — Yrke: samhällsbyggare av ett hållbart Malmö! 27 Aug 2013 | 12:54 am

Vi Malmöbor har all anledning att vara stolta över att bo i en stad där Gustavo Nazar verkar. Och det finns det fler som tycker eftersom Gustavo hedersamt har nominerats till Raoul Wallenberg-priset p...

More malmö museum related news:

United Kingdom Travel Guide 2 Nov 2010 | 07:37 am

The United Kingdom: Superb Museums, Exquisite Parks, Gardens, Mountains, and a Culture that is Rooted in Ancient Traditions Distinguishing the difference between “England” and the United Kingdom (UK)...

“Gosh, that we can do this too!” 9 Feb 2010 | 10:38 pm

The Noordbrabants Museum, one of the main modern art museums in southern Netherlands, opened recently an exhibit “Fantasy Factory”, where BBB has a permanent display. This morning, the Dutch national ...

Winston Riley invests $50m in studio, museum project 31 Oct 2009 | 05:17 am

Veteran producer, Winston Riley, is investing just over $50 million in a studio and museum he intends to open before year-end on Orange Street, downtown Kingston. The building is being constructed on...

Neo4j at Öredev and Oredev Open, Nov 8-12, Malmö, Sweden 26 Oct 2010 | 04:36 pm

Peter Neubauer Hi all, the Neo4j team is very excited to announce some Neo4j Team members being present at this years Öredev. Jim Webber is talking about REST in Practice, and Emil Eifrem is introduc...

NOSQL summer in Malmö! 3 Jun 2010 | 11:09 pm

Hi all, the summer is finally here, and with it soooo much spare time. Why not meet up with some peeps and discuss some of the cool new paradigms of database technology popping up in the NOSQL space? ...

Volvo Marque Day 28 Jan 2007 | 07:27 am

To celebrate 80 years of Volvo cars there will be a Volvo Marque Day at the Heritage Motor Museum on 2nd September 2007.

Frogs: A Chorus of Colors 9 Mar 2009 | 11:00 am

On exhibit at The Museum of Science, Boston, from February 13 to May 25, 2009. Dart poison frogs from the rainforests of the Americas come in a dizzying array of colors and patterns. Some are used by...

SHORTSPERFEKTION. 11 May 2012 | 08:06 am

Nya, soon to be trogna följeslagare i sommar troligtvis. Ett par lila Levi´s 501:or med grym slitning. Hittade i vintagebutiken Reused 10.01 i Malmö...

Kellyco Metal Detectors St. Patrick's Day Sale 17 Mar 2009 | 04:39 am

Additional accessories and museum quality treasure coin replicas add up to make your next metal detector purchase with Kellyco a lucky one!  We’ve added some outstanding packages to our most popular m...

Perlen der Woche 14/2012: Strahlkraft der Buchbranche,Kampf der eBook-Giganten und Digitalisierung in den Schulbuchverlagen 14 Apr 2012 | 04:24 am

Im Laufe der Woche finden wir interessante und spannende Beiträge, Informationen, Videos oder Podcasts rund um das Thema Digitalisierung, Archiv, Bibliotheken und Museum, die wir auf Twitter oder Goog...

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