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Illegal Traffic [FRENCH][DVDRIP] 25 May 2012 | 08:34 am
Origine du film : Allemand, néerlandais, islandais Réalisateur : Óskar Jónasson Acteurs : Baltasar Kormakur, Ingvar Eggert Sigurðsson, Lilja Nótt Þórarinsdóttir Genre : Thriller Durée : 1h 28min Année...
Holger Meins: Oskar Langenfeld. 12 Mal (1966) 2 Oct 2011 | 12:50 pm
Before he took up armed struggle against the state as a member of the Red Army Faction and became an icon of the left by dying from a hunger strike while in prison, Holger Meins studied film at the Fi...
"Encounters at the End of the World" review by Ben Kenber 4 Jul 2008 | 08:26 am
As a movie buff, I have to admit that it is shameful on my part that I have not seen more of Werner Herzog’s films. The only other film of his I have seen to this date is “Grizzly Man,” a brilliant do...
German Film Industry Produces a Bounty of Screen Gems 10 May 2010 | 04:30 pm
Heard of Werner Herzog? August Diehl? Bruno Ganz? Jürgen Prochnow? Klaus Kinski? If you haven't, you most likely have seen some of their work without realizing it. Herzog is one of the most celebrated...
“Into the Abyss” 20 May 2012 | 03:11 am
Qualcuno ha suggerito che “Into The Abyss” sarebbe potuto essere il titolo perfetto per moltissimi film di Werner Herzog. Da sempre il suo è cinema dell’inabissamento in acque profonde e in luoghi os...
"Montevideo, Bog te video" srpski kandidat za Oskara 5 Sep 2011 | 11:34 pm
Film "Montevideo, Bog te video" reditelja Dragana Bjelogrlića, srpski je kandidat za 84. nagradu Američke filmske akademije - Oskar, u kategoriji najbolji dugometražni igrani film na stranom jeziku u ...
Sei Live bei den MTV Music Awards dabei – mit Hyundai Veloster 27 Oct 2011 | 11:23 pm
Sei Live bei den MTV Music Awards dabei – mit Hyundai Veloster Was der Oskar für die Film-Szene ist, ist der MTV Music Award für die Musiker. Kein anderer Preis ist bei den Künstlern so begehrt wie d...
Bad Lieutenant trailer promo - Nicolas Cage nyomoz 20 Sep 2009 | 03:14 am
Az 1992-es Mocskos Zsaru című film remake-jét készíti el Werner Herzog (Rescue Dawn - Hajnali mentőakció). A főszereplő Terence McDonough szerepét Nicolas Cage vállalta el, és a tovább szerepekben is ...
A little late, but you never know 9 Jun 2011 | 08:39 am
I was first acquainted with Werner Herzog during my International Film Studies class while at UNA. My professor, Brooke Perry, introduced us to worlds of cinema that I never even knew existed, and he ...
Masters at Work 27 Oct 2011 | 07:08 am
Werner Herzog’s INTO THE ABYSS, Ann Hui’s A SIMPLE LIFE, Jafar Panahi and Mojtaba Mirtahmasb’s THIS IS NOT A FILM, Steve McQueen’s SHAME — all examples of masters at work who are fully in control of t...