Most shun related news are at:

这次汕头潮南的水灾 23 Aug 2013 | 06:57 pm
8月17号,汕头潮南区、潮阳区和普宁市部分乡镇暴雨成灾。 练江决堤,海水倒灌,发生严重内涝,数十万人受灾! 我是看到同学们在微博上发的消息才知道事情有多严重。 练江溃堤口边的潮南区陈店镇和司马浦镇重灾区,很多地方高达 2~3 米。 这边很多居民住的还是潮汕的传统单层建筑:四点金和下山虎厝,在地势较低的地方水甚至快漫过村民的屋顶。财物无转移先不说,这样高的水位可说是性命堪忧。 而住楼房的朋...
2013 年四新番追番列表 7 Apr 2013 | 04:20 pm
现在满足追番的环境了,2012年的各种重量级半年番都已经完结,今年1月的我也就只看了南家三姐妹 4 和泡面用的向山进发,也都完结了。所以现在节目表非常的空,毫无压力。 4月新番总数有 35部左右的样子,一开始确定的只有电磁炮和俺妹两个续作。不过翠星和巨人让人觉得眼前一亮,反正压力不大也定下来,剩下几部观望中。 此外本季还有三次元新番:冰与火之歌 第三季,hoho。 坂道のメロディ- YUKI...
More shun related news:
Righteous finger on reggae pulse 20 Jan 2010 | 11:06 pm
When Steel Pulse started out in the rough and tough Birmingham district of Handsworth in the mid-70s they got support from an unlikely source. While the roots reggae band were shunned by live venues ...
[BAIXAR]IP Man: Nasce Uma Lenda DVDRip XviD - Dual Audio + Legenda - QMF [DOWNLOAD GRÁTIS] 31 Dec 2011 | 09:55 am
Na sua juventude, IP Man iniciou seu treinamento na arte Wing Chun sob a tutela do Mestre Chan Wah Shun. Após a morte de Chan, IP Man seguiu Ng Chung so como seu novo mentor, ao lado do irmão e de seu...
Oguri Shun gets overwhelmed by Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas 13 Jun 2008 | 03:40 pm
(Source: Mainichi) *a little aside* Looking at Oguri Shun’s photos nowadays, I get the feeling that he’s deliberately uglifying himself so as to discourage the fangirl-craziness that is positively rag...
Chocolate Crinkles 15 Dec 2011 | 04:29 pm
Remember when “vegetable oil spreads” threatened to take over the home bakers’ kitchen? At the time, so many of us (meaning me) thought we were improving our health by shunning margarine and butter, a...
Bad Ass (2012) 720p – 600MB – scOrp 27 May 2012 | 11:50 pm Decorated Vietnam hero Frank Vega returns home only to get shunned by society leaving him without a job or his high school sweetheart. It’s not until forty years ...
Jews are One, Iran is Shunned 11 Jun 2010 | 01:58 am
A new study appearing in last Thursdays’s Nature magazine, shows that Jews share many of the same genes. Duh, but really, we all have more in common than you think – especially among Ashkenazic and Se...
Festival? 2 Sep 2011 | 09:38 am
I'm afraid that the Edinburgh Festival appears to have largely passed me by. Which is quite a feat, given that it's the largest arts festival in the world, and I live pretty centrally. I didn't shun...
Watch Shame 2011 Online Free 6 Dec 2011 | 05:18 pm
Watch Shame Movie Online Free 2011 Brandon is a New Yorker who shuns intimacy with women but feeds his desires with a compulsive addiction to sex. When his mentally unstable younger sister moves into ...
Express Yourself 21 Apr 2011 | 06:04 am
This post is for all the people out there afraid/shy of expressing themselves through dress, so they shun people who wear colorful clothes and who like to experiment with different fashion styles not...
Cateterismo Cardiaco 2 Apr 2012 | 06:44 am
CATETERISMO CARDIACO procedimiento médico para diagnosticar y tratar algunas enfermedades del corazon. El cateterismo cardíaco (carola-eh-ter-ih-ZA-shun) es un procedimiento médico utilizado para dia...