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Shorts last week, winter woolies this week….whats our weatherman got to say? 5 Apr 2012 | 04:05 am

As well as helping your with your hosting problems, Lee is also our resident Metrologist! So as soon as the winds change he usually gets questioned as to why….with the temperature dropping so much thi...

IU Northwest promotes literacy in Gary with kids’ book giveaway Dec. 3 17 Nov 2011 | 06:23 am

Share/Bookmark Gary residents can get free books with proof of residence Gary, IN 11-15-2011 – In an effort to promote child literacy, The Urban Teacher Education Program (UTEP) at Indiana Universit...

Star Appeal of New York 15 Sep 2010 | 07:15 am

The Star Appeal of New York is not just in the Tourist Sights New York is not like any other city in the world. “The City” as the residents of New York like to call it is a melting pot of ethnic cult...

"Stars Extra" on SF1 19 Jan 2011 | 12:33 pm

Stéphane will be the guest of the "Stars Extra" show on the Swiss German channel SF1. As always true to himself, sincere and natural, Stéphane appears full of emotions with or without cameras. The int...

Documentary about Stéphane 12 May 2010 | 09:43 am

We’d like to remind you that on Thursday, 13 May, there will be a documentary about Stéphane on the Swiss channel TSR1. The program is called “Préliminaires” and starts at 22.45 local time. Enjoy!

Swiss Shipping Update 17 Nov 2011 | 09:03 am

November 16, 2011 Swiss Shipping Update Dear Swiss IBO’s, We know there have been some delays on shipping to Swiss addresses and we apologize for those delays.  We shipped the orders as they were p...

Hole in One...or TWO! Posted Feb. 28. 2012 29 Feb 2012 | 04:39 am

BY JUDI GAMIN Hole in One or Two? Nada! This weeks episodes were more like swiss cheese. First up: Nikki; why would a woman who has been so abused by the one she supposedly loves go right back to her...

Hole in One...or Two!! February 3, 2012 7 Feb 2012 | 05:41 am

BY JUDI GAMIN As devious as Phyllis is, when she met Ricky, she did reach out to him when he stated he wanted to become a journalist. Little did she know that Satan resided in his soul. First stealin...

Acid Mine Drainage threat to Gauteng 17 Nov 2011 | 11:15 pm

Johannesburg – Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) in Gauteng poses a threat to residents and government needs to act swiftly in addressing the problem, the provincial housing department said on Wednesday. “The...

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