Most tumblr reactions related news are at:

Twitter for Good: Change the World One Tweet at a Time 25 Jan 2012 | 11:29 am
Product Description The official word from Twitter on how to harness the power of the platform for any cause.As recent events in Japan, the Middle East, and Haiti have shown, Twitter offers a unique p...
How do people put links to their twitter and facebook on there myspace? 25 Jan 2012 | 10:57 am
How do people put links to their twitter and facebook on there myspace? Ive seen a lot of people put the logo to there facebook and twitter and you click it and it takes your to there stuff. Related ...
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The Best Time To Post On Facebook Is The First Afternoon, Tumblr In The The Evening 18 May 2012 | 04:32 am
Introduction: In my recent post I mentioned about what is the best day and time to post on blog. Anyway, as you may know, not all social media works at the same way, and therefore sharing content foll...
Sharing words 26 Feb 2007 | 03:33 pm
It always amuses me to see the surprise reaction when I mention that I enjoy reading. "What? You Read? Books? You mean programming books, right? No?" Personally, I find that there's a simple joy fro...
Reading List #2 30 Sep 2009 | 02:48 am
Hey, I got some nice reactions to my reading list. So here we go again. Make sure to pay attention to a special insight at the end of the list, i think it is worth it http://www.linkprincessblog.c...
Proposal targeting student housing draws fiery reaction 23 Feb 2012 | 07:08 am
The Iowa City City Council will hold a public hearing March 20 to discuss a zoning-code amendment which would change the definition of "household" in the University Impact Area.
Lesbians bury their tongues in wet slippery pussy 6 Mar 2011 | 01:00 am
Star is so polite & innocent I almost feel bad about seducing her except she loved it, so I don't. Stars physical reaction to my tongue on her pussy made me gush! The way she responded to everything m...
“Undercover Boss”, real-time communications and I sure hope Ray Ozzie builds something amazing 23 Jan 2012 | 09:06 pm
I like the show “Undercover Boss”. Mostly because I like seeing the CEO’s reactions when they find out what their employees really think about their jobs, the company, policies, etc. Recently our CEO...
New! Autoshare posts to Tumblr now includes the video... 3 Mar 2010 | 06:26 pm
New! Autoshare posts to Tumblr now includes the video description in your post and adds your categories as tags. (Want to help add more awesome features? Come join our team!)
Magma to Tumblr: Can you hear me? Tumblr: Copy. 19 Dec 2009 | 09:51 am
Magma now supports full integration with Tumblr! When adding videos to your Magma account you can automatically cross-post to Twitter, Facebook and now Tumblr simultaneously, with support for any of ...
Tumbly Lite 14 Jul 2010 | 05:00 pm
Found under: Social Networking, General, Blogging, tumblr Submitted: 2010-07-14 Summary: Tumbly is an intuitive Tumblr app for Palm webOS. Right when you launch the app it pulls up your Tumblr dashb...
Allergy Terms Glossary 17 Sep 2008 | 08:56 am
Allergen-substance that causes an allergic reaction Allergenic-describes a substance which produces an allergic reaction Antibody-molecule tailor-made by the immune system to lock onto and destroy s...