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Ravi Shankar morre aos 92 anoso insuperável, sua arte e sua humildade", acrescentou o primeiro-ministro indiano. 13 Dec 2012 | 04:53 am

Lendário citarista Ravi Shankar morre aos 92 anos Pai da cantora Norah Jones, músico indiano influenciou a         carreira de Beatles e John Coltrane O músico indiano Ravi Shankar morreu nesta terç...

Paul McCartney - 'The Christmas Song' video 24 Nov 2012 | 05:22 am

Paul McCartney - 'The Christmas Song' video Also known as 'Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire', 'The Christmas Song' has previously been recorded by the likes of Nat King Cole and Bing Crosby. Paul Mc...

More 12 Bar Original Blog related news:

John Carter (2012) Dvdscr Dual Audio Mediafire Links 22 Apr 2012 | 05:16 am

This blog title has been optimized using Story : Civil War vet John Carter is transplanted to Mars, where he discovers a lush, wildly diverse planet whose main inhabitants are 12-foot tall green bar...

The All-New Google Desperation Bar 2 Dec 2011 | 12:51 am

The All-New Google Desperation Bar was originally published on Fused Nation - UK SEO Blog. This is the RSS feed. Do you think at any point, the good people at the ‘plex considered that the simplicity...

Tun Naing Shwe, Than Shw's oldest son 6 Feb 2008 | 05:58 am

[Original Source in Burmese - niknayman's blog] Translated by TL He has business but he is the poorest among all children of Than Shwe. But his properties are 12 mansions, J Donuts shops, My Milk res...

i cAuGht mYseLf - baby campos 4 Dec 2008 | 08:39 pm

THIS BLOG WAS ORIGINALLY POSTED on December 1, 2008 Happiness is made perfect when shared. ^_^ Last Sunday was our church’s (First Free...

Winter Friends Blog Hop 13 Jan 2011 | 02:31 am

Welcome to "Winter Friends" January 12 . Week 3 This is a hop for making friends and meeting other bloggers. This is hosted by Snack Bar Reviews, 3 Princes and a Princess 2, Luvin My Lil Monkeys. RUL...

Ketukan ke-12: URL yang panjang 28 Apr 2009 | 01:35 pm

gua rasalah kan... tapi tatau la cik ping rasa apa.. URL blog ni panjang sgt la.. rumit untuk gua menaipnya kat address bar tu... kekadang tersalah taip.. terlupa 's' la.. terlupa tanda '-' la.. mebi...

Barça: arrasando en el campo económico 26 Feb 2011 | 04:58 am

Ayer leí un interesante artículo en el blog de Esteve Calzada: El Barça desbancará al Real Madrid y se convertirá en el equipo con más ingresos del mundo la próxima temporada (2011-12). En el mismo ...

What if Those Nice Puritans You Learned about in K-12 Were Not So Nice? Or, Taking, Not Giving, and Without Thanks 24 Nov 2011 | 01:32 pm

(This post originally ran a few years back and was re-posed at Ms. Blog last year.) I would like to give a nod to my anthropology professor of years ago, who, when I was a sophomore in college, was t...

Google Blogging Tip # 102: Adding a Rating System Gadget to Your Blog (This Replaces Tip # 93). 26 Feb 2010 | 11:59 am

Important Widget Change Originally on Tip # 93, Adding a Rating System Gadget to Your Blog or Website. Found at: I ...

2010-2011 1 Jan 2011 | 07:06 am

Hoy quienes hacemos el blog lamonobanda despedimos al 2010 en el Rock Garden. 5Usd, Show de fuego, Pirotecnia, Visuales al son de lamonobanda. 31/12/2010 Cuenca-Ecuador. EL Rock Garden Bar. Sonido Añ...