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Review: Demachiant Apivita 11 Aug 2013 | 07:09 pm
Hello! Ce mai faceti? Din nou am lipsit, si nu am nicio scuza, stiu. Inca incerc sa ma obisnuiesc si cu programul de la lucru si cu timpul liber, dar incet sper sa imi revin. Am fost si plecata pan...
From Romwe with love, part I 22 Jul 2013 | 06:35 pm
Hello! Ce mai faceti? Asa cum v-am anuntat in weekend, pe pagina de Facebook, de astazi voi incepe o serie de postari in care va voi prezenta achizitiile mele de pe Romwe. Prima data vreau sa va pre...
More Bourjois Blush Review related news:
Milani Baked Blushes review 7 Jan 2012 | 11:30 pm
Dupa cum am promis voi continua cu review-urile produselor noi pe care le-am cumparat. In postarea de azi voi vorbi despre blushurile Milani Baked. Nuantele pe care le am sunt Corallina si Luminoso....
La Femme Cosmetics Blush Review 8 Feb 2011 | 04:17 pm
Besides lip glosses, blushes are definitely another weakness of mine (OK let me be real..ALL makeup is a weakness of mine! lol)...But truly blushes are one of my favorites. Within the last couple of y...
NARS Powder Blush Review 28 Sep 2012 | 01:24 am
Find out why NARS Powder Blush is an award winning makeup product and worth the splurge.
Catrice Glamazona Blushes [Review] 5 Jun 2013 | 10:15 am
Schon lange habe ich mir nichts mehr aus der LE's von P2, Essence und Catrice gekauft. Irgendwie war nie was Besonderes dabei was mich irgendwie angesprochen hat. In der neuen Glamazona LE von Catrice...
Tarte Peaceful Amazonian Clay Blush Review, Photos, Swatches! 26 Jul 2013 | 08:30 am
Tarte Peaceful Amazonian Clay Blush Tarte Peaceful Amazonian Clay Blush ($26) is described as a soft, nude-peach with slight shimmer. I'd consider it more of a medium rosy, coral-peach. When I'm a bi...
Benefit Rockateur Blush Review, Photos, Swatches 19 Aug 2013 | 06:18 pm
Get a rose-gold rush with Benefit's new Rockateur blush!
Milani Roses Powder Blush Review 20 Aug 2013 | 01:04 am
Just about everything I have tried from Milani has been amazing. I adore their baked blushes and their lipsticks are incredible! I was so excited when I heard about their new line of Roses blushes, an...
Bourjois⎥ Blush Exclusif 12 Aug 2013 | 02:53 am
Bourjois Blush Exclusif (10,99€) Working close by drugstores is always a huge temptation. I was browsing make-up a few days ago before work and I spotted the new Bourjois Exclusif blush. I just could...
Milani Roses Powder Blush Review 20 Aug 2013 | 01:04 am
Just about everything I have tried from Milani has been amazing. I adore their baked blushes and their lipsticks are incredible! I was so excited when I heard about their new line of Roses blushes, an...
The Balm Cabana Boy Blush – Review & swatches 12 Aug 2013 | 09:49 pm
The Balm Cabana Boy blush is 'The Bomb'! Cabana Boy Blush Nothing is more satisfying than being indulged, and this dusty-rose blush will ensure that you have all the boys attending to you. Its subtle...