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Charmaine Olivia in Color – photos and story by Michael Cuffe for Warholian 24 Mar 2013 | 04:29 pm
In early 2013 artist Charmaine Olivia once again returned to San Francisco to the newly moved and expanded Shooting Gallery (located in the rough and tumble Tenderloin District). The artist spent ove...
Guardian@IMZ 16 Oct 2008 | 03:40 pm
Hmmm... Macam - macam ada... Blog nie agak baru bagi Wid.. Wid mula kenal Blog nie pada 07hb Oktober 2008.. Baru sangat kan? Semua nie gara2 Wid nak cari lagu2 dari OST Olivia. Tapi Blog nie memang m...
Thermometer give―away winners 17 Feb 2012 | 10:30 am
The six thermometers go to: 1. Panayóta Kotsiopoúlou, 2. Rita Zikídou, 3. “Korina”, 4. “Timos Tetoros”, 5. “Didepux”, and 6. “Natasha” (blog comment entered Feb 15, 2012 01:26 PM) Olivia helped us p...
Look da semana: Olivia Palermo + Johannes Huebl. 14 Apr 2011 | 04:36 am
Acabei de ver esse post do Betty’s, blog da Sophia Alckmin e da Cris Tamer, e não pude deixar de colocá-lo aqui. Mais uma vez, o casal Olivia Palermo e Johannes Huebl se superou no quesito elegância. ...
This week in Olivia's Kitchen - the last 6 weeks 7 Aug 2011 | 05:31 pm
I've been thinking about starting a separate blog for my new business, Olivia's Kitchen. But have decided against it for now because I really want to chat about the teething problems, the self-doubt,...
Olivia gets giggly {pure adorable} 25 Mar 2012 | 04:56 am
Miss Olivia had a great little giggle while I was testing the lighting for some shots of her and her brother, Eli {who I blogged about in my last posting). I just had to share....
Découpage em Tecido 27 Oct 2011 | 07:52 am
Saquinhos costurados e decorados por mim, com a técnica de découpage em tecido. Dois miminhos para duas bébés, para a menina Leila do blog da Kitty, e para a menina Mª Olivia do blog da Carina.
The Chronicles of Olivia: A Life of Great Dysfunction 26 Oct 2011 | 01:47 pm
I have sat down at least a half a dozen times to write this post. Not that this post in particular has any significance. It’s just that I have neglected my blog for the better part of a year. Where...
I Blog! 14 Jul 2011 | 08:56 pm
An outfit! For the first time in…errr………2 months. EEESH. Why do you guys let me slack so much? *body* skin: LAQ – olivia peach hair: Plume – plumeria eyes: ID – bullseye ears: Plastik – Arkenea ...
The Handwriting Game 1 May 2011 | 07:25 am
I saw this tag in lovely Olivia's blog and decided to try it out here, hopefully you'll have some fun with it as I know I did (: As a side note, I'm on my spring break (back to school this Monday, fi...