Most New Tau Codex related news are at:

What Should I Buy Now? Part V 26 Aug 2013 | 11:45 am

Part 5.  Gunline Tau Ok, this is a tough one to pull off, so follow me through with it before you start yelling at your screen. One of the quickest ways to lose a game is to implement this strate...

What Should I Buy Now? - Part VI 23 Aug 2013 | 08:16 am

Phase 6: Kicking it up a notch to 2500, and adding some flavor. These are units I just had to have... Well, that is the mandatory Tau list, according to me. This last phase is where you can add in a...

More New Tau Codex related news:

1000 Point Tau: First Draft 25 Apr 2013 | 03:01 am

I've got a 1000-point tournament on May 18th at our local store, so I think it'll be a good opportunity to take the new Tau codex out for a spin. I'm wanting to do something a bit different than my ol...

Tyranids: Mawloc 15 Dec 2011 | 03:00 am

I picked up the Mawloc kit on the day the new nid codex hit the shelves. I wanted to see what this new kit offered with the option to make a trygon, I was curious to see if it could hold up my already...

Thoughts on the new CSM Codex/Cult Marines 16 Dec 2012 | 11:42 am

I've been reading around lately, and I've been seeing a little bit of hate regarding the new CSM Codex, as well as Cult Marines. Apparently, the thought is that anything Cult Marines can do, vanilla ...

Eldar Saim-Hann Guardian Tutorial 29 May 2013 | 07:00 pm

In anticipation of the new Eldar Codex I painted up a couple guardians and made tutorials for them.  Here is the first, done in the Saim-Hann craft world colours.  Paints are listed at the bottom.  Th...

Eldarly 1 Jun 2013 | 09:39 pm

New Eldar Codex - Unboxing

Themed armies. 17 Jun 2013 | 05:08 pm

Warning: This post will meander and may not even come to a conclusion! I had my first game with the new Eldar codex on Thursday and lost to a Necron list. I can't remember the exact list but it was I...

What I’ve Been Doing In June 22 Jun 2013 | 08:48 am

Painting! So much painting! I'm normally a slow painter, but I had one month to paint up my new Tau acquisitions and army list adjustments to get them ready for the Gateway Grand Tournament this weeke...

Tau power; Codex or Edition 12 Aug 2013 | 12:38 am

By TheGraveMind When the Tau codex first came out, I heard a lot of trash talk. But after playing some games with my tau (pics soon) and also against tau I can tell you they are here to stay. Conside...

Farsight Encalve - Rules Conundrum 12 Aug 2013 | 09:34 pm

I’m struggling bit to get my head round the Farsight Supplement, specifically how it interacts with the Tau Codex. I was going to write a review of the Supplement, but I need to come to a view on this...

Summer of Scenery - Part One: Barricades 31 Jul 2013 | 09:00 pm

Earlier in the year I was inspired by Siph over at Weemen to get my scenery painted up. Unfortunately the Tau codex came out right around that time and all enthusiasm for painting scenery was lost whi...