Most Ps Vita Blog Spot related news are at:

Superfrog HD coming to PS Vita 13 Feb 2013 | 06:19 pm
“Alien Breed” developer Team 17 has revealed their next game is “Superfrog HD”. It is the HD version of 1993 classic game Superfrog. The classic game was well received and it has a fanbase. The classi...
Ice Silver Playstation Vita coming to Honk-Kong 3 Feb 2013 | 08:47 am
Hong-Kong getting an Ice Silver color PS vita.The Ice silver vita is a basic wi-Fi model without memory card. The new edition will available from February 28 onwards. The price seems too high for a Wi...
More Ps Vita Blog Spot related news:
Más juegos de PSP y Minijuegos están por llegar 17 May 2012 | 01:11 am
Sony ha dado a conocer mediante su blog una lista de juegos de PSP y Minis que serán compatibles con la PS Vita. Algunos de estos títulos ya están disponibles en la Store desde el día de hoy, pero ot... 19 Apr 2012 | 07:32 am
Free Apps Sony shows off free Vita apps Three new apps are heading to Sony’s PS Vita. The PlayStation Blog recently detailed these new additions to the system, revealing them to be Paint Park, Treas...
Firmware 4.00 para PS3 con Link de descarga por PC 2 Dec 2011 | 09:57 am
Primeros detalles del Firmware 4.00 para PlayStation 3 Comienza la compatibilidad con PS Vita. Según se nos informa en el Blog Americano de PlayStation, a lo largo de la semana se lanzará una actual...
Trailer “Resistance: Burning Skies” com – Gameplay 18 May 2012 | 02:44 am
Sony lançou um novo vídeo de “Resistance: Burning Skies” mostrando as diversas características do gameplay no PS Vita. Além disso, em seu blog oficial, a Sony divulgou a lista de troféus... [[ This i...
Ragnarok Odyssey prepara su llegada a Europa con una demo 6 Feb 2013 | 09:39 pm
Hace tiempo que vamos tras la huella de este interesantísimo título para la consola portátil de Sony, PS Vita, hablamos de Ragnarok Odyssey, que ha oficializado la fecha de su llegada en el blog ofici...
VHBL 2.60 para PS Vita – Exploit e downloads 23 Aug 2013 | 07:27 pm
Apesar dos jogos compatíveis com o novo exploit do vita terem sido anunciados ontem, os responsáveis pelo exploit já liberaram os arquivos hoje la no blog do Wololo. Como de costume, o VHBL permite q...
‘Flame Over’ Blazing The PS Vita Trail Q1 2014 23 Aug 2013 | 09:09 pm
Publisher Lauging Jackal has announced their latest Vita game entitled “Flame Over”. Speaking on the PlayStation blog Laughing Jackal’s senior producer called it: “A fast-paced, [...]
‘Flame Over’ Blazing The PS Vita Trail Q1 2014 23 Aug 2013 | 09:09 pm
Publisher Lauging Jackal has announced their latest Vita game entitled “Flame Over”. Speaking on the PlayStation blog Laughing Jackal’s senior producer called it: “A fast-paced, [...]
Killzone Mercenary Multiplayer Beta Sign Ups Live 13 Jul 2013 | 01:36 am
Do you own a PS Vita and like Killzone ? Well here is your chance to join the closed Multiplayer beta, here is a quote from the US Blog: Candidates have until 2:00PM PDT on Wednesday, July 17th to sig...
Vita get PS1 games on Aug 28th 15 Aug 2012 | 01:19 am
Thats right, PS one games finally come to the vita, and at the end of this month. Not too long to wait then eh? Related PostsPachter Backs Used Games Speaking on his blog Pachter has fired a warning s...