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More Thai Pidta Amulet related news:
Thai Amulets and Good Luck Charms 19 May 2012 | 02:22 am
Many people are charmed by Thai amulets, which are said to bring love, success, happiness and promises of good fortune. No one can give you with a definite answer if any of the “promises” of the good ...
Thai Good Luck Charm Ta Krut 6 May 2012 | 02:14 pm
Thai people believe in supernaturalism and animism, even if they are Buddhists, Christs or Moslems. Amulets and other items like the Ta krut are used as a good luck charm or for protection against evi...
Blessing Thai Amulets 9 Mar 2009 | 02:47 pm
Saya Rekomendasi Kepada Para Penggemar Thai Amulet , Silahkan Berkunjung Ke Toko Blessing Amulets Agan Liu Di Mangga Dua Square Jakarta Utara. Amuletnya terjamin berkualitas. Saya sudah
Blessing Thai Amulets 9 Mar 2009 | 07:47 am
Saya Rekomendasi Kepada Para Penggemar Thai Amulet , Silahkan Berkunjung Ke Toko Blessing Amulets Agan Liu Di Mangga Dua Square Jakarta Utara. Amuletnya terjamin berkualitas. Saya sudah
Bangkok Amulet Market 18 Aug 2013 | 01:17 pm
Sacred amulets have more than religious significance in Thailand. They’re also big business with some rare examples being worth many millions of Thai baht. At Bangkok’s largest amulet market, near Wat...
HK celebrities popularize Thai Amulet culture 22 Apr 2013 | 01:28 am
Recently there was an article in Malaysia's New Life Post paper regarding the practice of many famous Hong Kong celebrities wearing Thai amulets to help them in their show biz career. For example, Cec...
New Accessories for Thai Amulets in Store 29 Jul 2013 | 01:34 pm
We now have various options for hanging your animists charms and amulets at waist level in the traditional type method using our new range of takrut belts. These belts are called ‘Chuak Takrut Kart Ae...