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Ben Affleck as Batman. NO. #Batman @BenAffleck 23 Aug 2013 | 08:16 am

batffleck.jpg 10 Most have you have probably heard that Ben Affleck (A.K.A. crappy Daredevil) is going to be the next Batman. This is sad news as we will have to skip the next few Batman films and t...

"Workforce" web series! Co-created by JAS! 23 Jul 2013 | 03:17 am

The bitterest half of Bitter Balcony, JAS, has a web series almost at its first season end. "Workforce" is a skit-based comedy series about a group of coworkers trying to make it through the workday. ...

"The Flying Man" a new kind of superhero 16 Jul 2013 | 07:31 am

This new look at superheroes is pretty damn interesting. Let's hope Hollywood notices this one and helps turn it into a feature film. The Flying Man from Marcus Alqueres on Vimeo.

Jack the Giant Slayer (A.K.A. A giant pile of dung) 26 Jun 2013 | 12:40 am

Jack the Giant Slayer 2012 jackgiantslayer0.jpg 9 Brought to you by Brian Singer we get an adaptation of “Jack and the Beanstalk” for the big screen. Yes, typing that last sentence was taxing beca...

Bitter Balcony Deals with Daddy Issues (and Plot Devices) with The Place Beyond the Pines! 4 Jun 2013 | 03:20 am

The Place Beyond the Pines 2012 pines1.jpg 3 It’s been a while since Jas and I have butted heads over a movie, and for that reason alone, “The Place Beyond the Pines” is my favorite movie of 2013 ...

Crypticon 2013 begins tomorrow! 24 May 2013 | 03:33 am

We’ve attended Crytpicon Seattle in 2010 and 2011, reviewed it 2012 and now the time has come to venture forth and enjoy the convention again. This year’s guest lineup includes some fine film folks l...

Zack Braff needs your help! 25 Apr 2013 | 03:30 am

Zack Braff has created his own Kickstarter attempting to get funding for his next written/directed/acted feature film. He’s got a script titled “Wish I Was Here” ready to go, too! For the fans of “Ga...

Evil Dead returns from the dead... and it's evil... sorta... 11 Apr 2013 | 02:11 am

Evil Dead 2013 evildead0.jpg 3 "Evil Dead" has been remade into a more serious/non-campy horror film and the results are surprisingly entertaining. This is not to say it’s a fantastic film you’ll ...

Is Beyond the Black Rainbow staying beyond its welcome? 28 Feb 2013 | 02:30 am

Beyond the Black Rainbow 2010 btbr0.jpg 6 “Beyond the Black Rainbow” is an attempt by Panos Cosmatos to make a vibey/weird horror film in the vein of some of the horror films from the ‘80s. There ...

Moore is Less in A View to a Kill. 25 Feb 2013 | 12:36 am

A View to a Kill 1985 viewkill1.jpg 7 Roger Moore’s take of Ian Fleming’s narcissistic hero James Bond is likely topped by better interpretations from 007’s old and new. Yet the charmingly fluffy ...

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