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This year, so different.... 17 Aug 2013 | 06:55 am

Here I am 63 days away from walking 60 miles, and I feel utterly defeated. Between the stress over the mammogram, the controversy regarding the Susan G. Komen Foundation, and the lack of participation...

Mammogram Stress Relieved?? 10 Aug 2013 | 07:54 am

I haven't be able to write lately. I had been so stressed over my diagnostic mammogram - the unknown of why they wanted me to come back, the fear of what they were going to tell me. Then, when they to...

Mammogram Stress... 30 Jul 2013 | 06:17 am

So, I received a call today. I have to go back and get another mammogram!!! EEK was the first thing that went through my head, even though they told me that I would be called to return for another sca...

From One Starbucks To Another (and back again!) 28 Jul 2013 | 07:22 pm

On my drive to the training walk this morning it occurred to me that I was up at 4:35 AM driving to meet up with fellow walkers at a location over 1 hour from my house in order to walk 8 miles. Now, w...

My First Mammogram! 25 Jul 2013 | 07:18 am

So, yesterday I put on my big girl panties and called the Wellstar Imaging Center at the Paulding Physician's Center to make my mammogram appointment. I was VERY surprised to learn that they had appoi...

Keeping My Commitments 14 Jul 2013 | 10:59 pm

So, today's walk was much more than I could ever ask for. The girls I walk with have become much more than my co-walkers - they are my cheerleaders, my confidants, my friends, and my lifelines! Today'...

Wow...How time FLIES.... 12 Jul 2013 | 08:58 am

Vacation really does have a way of stealing your time away. But, it didn't steal ALL of my time!! I happened to get some walking in..some of it more fun than my usual routes, some of it more hilly. No...

Today's Walk! 10 Jun 2013 | 12:52 am

Well, I learned two things from today's walk. The first thing is....SOCKS are important! Not just the socks themselves, but how they fit in your shoe, if they are slick on the inside, and their moistu...

Today's Walk! 10 Jun 2013 | 12:52 am

Well, I learned two things from today's walk. The first thing is....SOCKS are important! Not just the socks themselves, but how they fit in your shoe, if they are slick on the inside, and their moistu...

Hike Goo! Recommended by a past walker! 8 Jun 2013 | 06:35 am

Hey all! I received an email for a discount on Hike Goo from a friend and teammate for the Susan G Komen 3-Day for a Cure (R). She recommends this product, as she used it last year and LOVED it! Enjo...

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