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Sadie, Princess of Mercy 26 Aug 2013 | 02:14 am

Ms. Sadie, Princess of Mercy I'm not sure how it happened, exactly. It started, I think, when the daughter of one of my patients got a new little puppy. A Havanese named 'Thelma' (her 'sister' was n...

ACA: Affordable Care Angst. 25 Aug 2013 | 12:28 am

The  Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act  (aka "The Affordable Care Act" - ACA - and "Obamacare") was passed into law on March 23, 2010. Ever since, the howling from the Right has not lessened...

My mother, myself. 18 Aug 2013 | 02:42 am

Thérèse of Lisieux My mother and I, as with her own mother, had a complicated relationship. I suppose most mothers and daughters do, at least on some level. Books have been written about the dynamic...

In Our Hands 25 Jul 2013 | 09:57 pm

"Take a picture of me in his hands," Flat Jesus whispered to me. "Wait! What?" I asked, a little startled. We were visiting patients in a Skilled Nursing Facility and I had taken him out of my bag an...

Jesus Cracks Corn 23 Jul 2013 | 07:15 am

I was driving from my office in Millsboro through Dagsboro, on my way to Fenwick Island to see a few Hospice patients when I heard Flat Jesus say, "Wait. Stop. Pull over. I want to see this." We were...

Ella's song for Trayvon 14 Jul 2013 | 09:58 pm

Trayvon Martin I went to bed last night and got up this morning hearing this song in my head. Sometimes, the only thing to soothe a troubled mind and calm a heavy, broken heart is inspiring words se...

The Tyranny of Liberalism 12 Jul 2013 | 06:58 pm

I have no doubt that I just might piss off a lot of people with this post. Liberals, mostly. So be it. It needs to be said. By a liberal. Who has been alternately so embarrassed or annoyed by libera...

Robert Hayden DeWolfe 8 Jul 2013 | 03:19 am

The first time Rob made a pastoral call to my home was late June of 1981. He was coming to convince Ms. Conroy and me to become members of his church in Saco, ME where he would baptize our newborn ch...

The Meek Are Getting Ready 30 Jun 2013 | 11:59 pm

“The Meek Are Getting Ready” A sermon preached for MCC – Rehoboth Beach, DE June 30, 2013 – Proper 8C RCL (Luke 9:51-62) (the Rev’d Dr.) Elizabeth Kaeton Please pray with me:  Lord, take my mind ....

We Are Equal 28 Jun 2013 | 05:10 pm

On the day DOMA was struck down and Prop 8 fell, not everyone was glued to CNN or MSNBC. I was working that day. Hospice. It was a pretty frenetic day, made even busier by the fact that one of my pat...

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