Paulbarry - -

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Zipping Arrays 24 Aug 2010 | 09:03 am

When programming in any language, you are sure to be in a situation at some point where you have two or more arrays that match up by index. For example, say you have this: So the in this case, the na...

Fibers in Ruby 1.9 1 Apr 2010 | 03:41 pm

One of the new features in Ruby 1.9 is Fibers. In order to understand how Fibers work, we need to first understand how threads work. A thread is an execution context. When a ruby programs starts, the...

How to spy on a Hash in Ruby 25 Feb 2010 | 05:42 am

Let's say you're dealing with a large Rails codebase and you've got a Hash stored in a global variable or a constant and you want to know who is changing that Hash. Here's a contrived example: Here i...

Node.js Presentation 9 Feb 2010 | 05:27 am

Last week I presented on node.js at the Baltimore/DC JavaScript Users Group. Here's the video: Paul Barry on Node.js at February Baltimore JavaScript Meetup from Shea Frederick on Vimeo. To make it ...

Sharing a git repo on the network 7 Feb 2010 | 10:55 am

If you find yourself on a network with other developers you'd like to share a git repo with, here's a simple way to do that. First, on your machine, the one with the git repo, you run this: So if you...

Installing DBSlayer on Mac OS X Snow Leopard 3 Feb 2010 | 10:50 am

DBSlayer is a tool that will wrap your MySQL database with an HTTP REST/JSON API. Here's how to get it installed on Snow Leopard using Macports. First, make sure you have all the dependencies install ...

Node.js talk at Baltimore/JavaScript Users Group 2 Feb 2010 | 12:14 pm

Just a quick heads up that I'll be talking about Node.js at this Wednesday's Baltimore/JavaScript Users Group meeting. This will be an introductory talk but will quickly dive into some code examples w...

Customizing Generators in Rails 3 13 Jan 2010 | 08:10 pm

As you probably already know, Rails 3 is just around the corner. There are some pretty nice features being added and one of them is the ability to customize the way the generators work. I personally p...

Guarding Logger Statements In Ruby 9 Dec 2009 | 04:23 pm

Whether you are a Java or a Ruby programmer, I'm sure you are familiar with this idiom: That's a simple logger where the log level is set to info, so the debug statement isn't logged, but the info st...

Performance Testing with Httperf 11 Nov 2009 | 12:41 am

If you need to do some performance testing of your web app, one tool that is pretty easy to use is httperf. I recommend watching the Peepcode screencast on httperf to get some good tips on how to doin...

Related Keywords:

java string, nodejs, ruby self, rails has_many through, node js, rails 3 generators, rails 3 haml, scala implicit, jquery add function, has many through rails

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