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More 60 day challenge related news:
Daan Verhorst ving een Glimp op bij ondernemer Kees Romkes 4 May 2012 | 02:15 am
Daan Verhorst doet mee aan de 60 Day Challenge en kon daardoor ook een dag Glimpen bij een baan van zijn keuze. Hij ging mee met ondernemer Kees Romkes om te onderzoeken of ondernemerschap iets voor h...
Insanity/NatraBurst 60 Day Challenge Week 1 30 May 2011 | 09:30 am
Good friend of mine, Chris Searl, challenged me to a workout duel. A little background about me. I’m a disabled Army Veteran that was diagnosed with a degenerative disease in my lower back that preven...
Is It Making A Difference: Days 32 & 33 3 Feb 2012 | 09:23 am
Last night before class one of my fellow yoginis asked of my challenge, “Is it making a difference?” Why Yes! It is! That’s why I’ve rolled the 30 Day Challenge into a 60 Day Challenge. These are the...
Halfway the 60 Day Challenge 31 Jan 2011 | 05:44 am
Vandaag zijn we alweer halfway the 60 Day Challenge! Bijzondere en blogwaardige dag voor Onderstaande blog is vandaag op hun website geplaatst, via deze link te lezen of gewoon hieronder...
Take 1: Ready, set, go! Filmen voor de 60 Day Challenge… 25 Jan 2011 | 08:26 am
De grote droom die ik als 10-jarig meisje had was altijd om actrice te worden, gelukkig heb ik deze ambitie ondertussen ver achter me gelaten. Een beetje ongemakkelijk ging ik vandaag dan ook op weg n...
60-Day Nutrition Challenge 1 Mar 2013 | 08:51 pm
Our Nutritionist Partner Rania Batayneh, MPH, is ‘XTENDING’ an invitation to you to take a 60 Day Challenge. March is National Nutrition Month – the perfect time to work on getting fit for the warmer...
5 Tips for Improving Your WordPress blog 4 Jul 2013 | 12:13 am
Blogging is buzzing right now! (I blame Ray for that… he’s got this awesome 60 day challenge going on right now) So, in light of the blogging-kick that many of us are getting on, I gathered up 5 gre...
60 Day Challenge with The Dailey Method 12 Jun 2013 | 09:35 pm
I got sick. I strained muscles in my back playing hockey with the kids. Work has been slammed. I’m headed out of town. I can go on and on with my excuses about why I haven’t been to my beloved The ...
60 Day Challenge with The Dailey Method 12 Jun 2013 | 09:35 pm
I got sick. I strained muscles in my back playing hockey with the kids. Work has been slammed. I’m headed out of town. I can go on and on with my excuses about why I haven’t been to my beloved The ...
How to Gain 20lbs of Muscle in 60 Days 1 Jul 2010 | 06:02 am
My Transformation, Click on Image to Enlarge Disclaimer: No links in this article are affiliated. I am not a health and nutrition professional. This post is meant to describe my experiences. Please...