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Las uvas de la ira 8 Dec 2012 | 08:02 pm
Se publicó hace 70 años: copio unas líneas, y que levante la mano quien no crea que esto se pudo escribir anteayer. If a bank or a finance company owned the land, the owner man said, The Bank—or the C...
Ministras, productos naturales y ahorro 27 Jun 2012 | 04:16 am
La ministra de Sanidad ha repetido que pretende desfinanciar ciertos medicamentos destinados a patologías leves (las negritas son mías): Mato reconoció que baraja una desfinanciación de fármacos “obs...
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דו”ח קריאה 28 Sep 2010 | 09:46 am
כמה עמודים לתוך “נתניה” של דרור בורשטיין נזכרתי פתאום בפתגם הלטיני ad astra per aspera. אפשר להבין את הפתגם הזה לפחות בשני אופנים, שהם קרובים אבל לא זהים. אבל מה שמשמעותי יותר בהקשר הזה היא השאלה מתי ...
Ad Astra Per Aspera 11 Jul 2009 | 11:43 am
I was digging through some old e-mail when I came across a request to update my gigantic list of goals. On my 38th birthday, I wrote about the 101 things in 1001 days project (which I learned about f...
Ad Astra Per Aspera 11 Jul 2009 | 07:43 am
I was digging through some old e-mail when I came across a request to update my gigantic list of goals. On my 38th birthday, I wrote about the 101 things in 1001 days project (which I learned about fr...
Per Aspera Ad Astra 13 Jul 2013 | 06:31 pm
Per Aspera Ad Astra - Wrocławska uczelnia, od początku swojego istnienia kształci oraz wychowuje znakomicie przygotowane kadry dowódcze Wojska Polskiego. Istota tego procesu opiera się o ideały wyraż...
Per aspera ad astra 25 Nov 2008 | 02:06 am
Noha a múlt heti Haggard-koncert és a vele járó kolozsvári kiruccanás felüdülést jelentett, az egésznek olyan, mindössze pillanatig tartó hangulata volt, hogy igazából felhőtlenül élvezni sem voltam k...
Page 6 16 Jan 2009 | 08:21 am
"Per aspera ad astra" (through the thorns to the stars) "Sunt pueri pueri, puerilia tractant." (Children are children, (therefore) children do childish things) "nemo me impune laccessit" (no one har...
Ghost – Infestissumam (2013) 10 Apr 2013 | 02:07 am
Download Tracklist: 1. Infestissumam (1:42) 2. Per Aspera Ad Inferi (4:09) 3. Secular Haze (5:11) 4. Jigolo Har Megiddo (3:58) 5. Ghuleh / Zombie Queen (7:29) 6. ...
L’importanza di affrontare le difficoltà: la storia della farfalla 1 Jul 2013 | 05:10 am
Raggiungiamo davvero i nostri obiettivi, non quando evitiamo le difficoltà, ma quando impariamo ad affrontarle senza scorciatoie. “Per aspera sic itur ad astra.” Seneca. Twittami Attraverso le asp...
MÚSICA NO PENDRIVE 19 Aug 2013 | 02:36 pm
PER ASPERA AD ASTRA. Consta que o primeiro automóvel equipado com rádio foi um Ford T, em 1922, e, a partir de então, o que era a exceção passou a ser regra. Eu, particularmente, ainda me lembro dos...
The Lance Corporal Theory Of Employment, Interest and Money 21 Aug 2013 | 03:00 pm
We are Mark Carney's Army, No financial use are we, The only time you'll see us, Is when we're on the spree. And when our contracts over, We'll shout with all our might, Per ardua ad astra, Blo...