Most Anaïs Nin related news are at:

END OF SUMMER SALE ON NIN TITLES 27 Aug 2013 | 12:59 am
To mark the end of the summer, we’re offering all 10 issues of A Café in Space and The Winter of Artifice: 1939 Paris Edition for 50% off. We are also offering a combo of the complete set of A Café i...
Anais Nin Myth of the Day #17 28 Jul 2013 | 09:22 pm
Myth: Anais Nin adapted to living in America. Fact: In the soon-to-be-released Mirages: The Unexpurgated Diary of Anais Nin, 1939-1940, Anais Nin reflects on her life in America after fleeing wartime...
More Anaïs Nin related news:
Henry und June 3 Jan 2009 | 04:54 am
Bearbeitung der Tagebücher von Anaïs Nin in schwüler Stimmung. Offenherzige Geschichte über das Verhältnis Anaïs Nins mit Henry Miller und seiner Frau. Wunderschöne Verfilmung und subtile erotische Ge...
Those are European ideas in Anaïs Nin’s Little Birds 30 May 2012 | 12:53 pm
Anaïs Nin’s story “A Model” begins with this: My mother had European ideas about young girls. I was sixteen. I had never gone out alone with young men, I had never read anything but literary novels, ...
Zona de confort 29 Jun 2012 | 06:23 am
Fred Ward i Maria de Medeiros com a Henry Miller i Anaïs Nin Ir a un encuentro no puede ser nunca escapar, aunque releguemos cada vez el lugar de la cita. Julio Cortázar, El Perseguidor "Mai no s....
21:55 : Une maison, un écrivain (FRANCE 5) 20 Aug 2012 | 01:00 am
Louveciennes est une étape marquante dans la vie de la femme de lettres américaine, Anaïs Nin (1903-1977). Elle y séjourna de 1930 à 1935
Anaïs Nin November: Elect the process of becoming 6 Nov 2012 | 10:19 pm
via. Life is a process of becoming, a combination of states we have to go through. Where people fail is that they wish to elect a state and remain in it. This is a kind of death. (Anaïs Nin. D. H. Law...
Anaïs Nin November: Nothing left to do 6 Nov 2012 | 12:47 am
“Scream,” by windkittyhana on the deviantart. Human beings can reach such desperate solitude that they may cross a boundary beyond which words cannot serve, and at such moments there is nothing left f...
Summer Reading 11 Jun 2013 | 02:47 am
My summer reading looks a little something like this, and it's only June: Dancing Girls by Margaret Atwood, Collages by Anaïs Nin, Selected Poems of Rūmī, The Life of Katherine Mansfield, Frida by Fri...
Anyžinė moteris 14 Jun 2013 | 10:32 am
Kažkur visai kitur radau ir man įstrigo rašytojos (žymios dienoraščių autorės, beje, ir šokėjos) Anaïsos Nin sakinys, kurį šiandien turėjau progos išversti į lietuvių: We write to taste life twice, in...
« j’ai appris à sortir de ma réserve » 20 Aug 2013 | 05:03 pm
Lettre d’information n°74 – Août 2013 « Il m’a fallu toute une vie pour comprendre que le bonheur se trouve dans les petites choses et non dans le paroxysme de l’extase ». (Anaïs Nin, femme de let...
Anaïs Nin. 21 Aug 2013 | 09:17 pm
Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one’s courage.