Most Deborah Lippmann related news are at: – miina-blog

Přesouváme se na jinou blogovou adresu!!! 28 Jun 2012 | 03:30 pm

Náš společný blog dostal novou adresu Celý obsahu tohoto blogu jsm tam přesunula, ale zatím je stále v úpravách. Pokud budete chtít, je třeba změnit adresu i v blogrolu. Doufám, ...

Celá já poprvé a naposled 28 Jun 2012 | 12:16 am

Možná už víte, že jsem dnes měla sraz s Martinou z blogu Elegant40. Nedá mi to a musím o tom taky trochu napsat. Já jsem se sice tady nedávno rozohňovala kvůli blogovému světu, ale moc dobře vím, že v...

More Deborah Lippmann related news:

Vakre lakker 22 Nov 2011 | 07:37 am

Jeg her fått helt neglelakkdilla for tiden! Det er såå mye fint å se på når jeg driver å surfer rundt på diverse nettsider, mens drømmer meg bort. Øverst på listen ligger selvfølgelig Deborah Lippmann...

Mermaid's Dream - Deborah Lippmann 11 Mar 2012 | 02:05 am

Tout d'abord je m'excuse pour cette absence, je suis la pire blogueuse au Monde, c'est un miracle que j'ai encore des personnes qui viennent sur ce blog. J'ai eu une semaine très chargée, pas eu le te...


A Deborah Lippmann lançará em setembro sua coleção para o Natal 2011. Se existe glamour numa coleção de esmaltes, aí está. Em breve serão encontrados na Kissandmakeupny ou na beautybridge. Os esmaltes...

Deborah Lippmann - Boom Boom Pow 10 Jul 2011 | 07:32 am

Hello, readers! Today I have an awesome Deborah Lippmann polish to share: Boom Boom Pow. This polish is made with real 24K gold dust, and it's very different from other chunky gold glitters. I have on...

Facets of Fuchsia 28 Oct 2011 | 07:59 am

I'm in love and SO thankful that a wonderful friend sent this polish to me from back home in the States!!!  As we all know, it's a dead on dupe of Deborah Lippmann's, "Bad Romance" but without the hef...

Lady Gaga and Deborah Lippmann, A Match Made in Heaven! 16 Feb 2011 | 02:11 am

What do you get when you take two amazingly talented women and put them together? Amazing Polish!!! Check this out: "Lady Gaga is always pushing the envelope and exploring new trends. This year’s G...

CANDY SHOP 2 May 2012 | 08:40 am

Candy shop - Deborah Lippmann

Deborah Lippmann True Blood Collection 15 Aug 2012 | 05:52 pm

Hello!  Deborah Lippmann seems to be coming out with quite a few collections that are exclusive to HSN.  Her last major collection, Footloose, was one I totally missed out on.  (Even when it was on sa...

Spam! 4 Sep 2012 | 02:47 pm

Glitter Gal Lizard Belly. Two coats. Deborah Lippmann Believe. Three coats. Diamond Cosmetics Hue Are You? Two coats. Icing Electric Emerald. Four coats. Kiko 278. Two coats. Smitten Polish Lovel...

NOTD: Deborah Lippmann Nefertiti 22 Nov 2012 | 11:34 am

I mourned the day my MAC Mercenary died on me. OK it's my bad; I put it in my makeup bag without proper protection and the next thing I knew, the bottle shattered and the contents poured out like madn...

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