Most Future of the Left related news are at:

Music Review: Forest Swords - Engravings 27 Aug 2013 | 09:37 am
Forest Swords Engravings [Tri Angle; 2013] by Rowan Savage Rating: When people borrow Gertrude Stein’s notorious phrase “there is no there there,” their meaning is usually pejorative. But in the ...
Music Review: Andras Fox - Erskine Falls [EP] 27 Aug 2013 | 09:32 am
Andras Fox Erskine Falls [EP] [Homeloan; 2013] by Nico Callaghan Rating: Form — an element of progressive dance music that’s so crucial in developing a cohesive, interesting, and above all groovy...
More Future of the Left related news:
Future of the Left - The Plot Against Common Sense 7 Jun 2012 | 08:43 am
A mcLusky romjain alakult, Wales-i szőrösfaszú alternatívmocsoknoiseblowjobpunkrock banda új albuma. Szétfeszít. Download És még egy videó. Régi bloggerkollégámat, Staley-t idézve: "2012 már borzaszt...
Future of the Left - Glasgow, 11th June 2012 12 Jun 2012 | 08:03 am
Photos/Words: Stephen McLeod Tonight (or last night if we’re being pedantic) saw the official release date of Future of the Left’s third full length album, and they were in Glasgow’s supposedly legen...
Future of the Left - the plot against common sense 9 Jun 2012 | 05:18 am
the plot against common sense starts off with the ominous repeated thud of a bass drum before distorted guitars swirl in around to announce the always welcome return of angry noisemakers Future of the...
[ZU]Outlaw Star [Remastered Version 720x480] 18 Aug 2012 | 01:19 am
*Synopsis :* *In the distant future, after humans left earth and started colonizing other planets, there lives a man named Gene Starwind and his...
FUTURE OF THE LEFT 20 Nov 2012 | 07:42 pm
Red 7 9:00 Doors November 20 @ Red 7 9pm Doors
Music: Great Job, Internet!: Exclusive: a funny Future Of The Left U.S. tour diary (and a contest) 21 Nov 2012 | 09:50 pm
It seemed like many of you enjoyed our HateSong feature with Future Of The Left's Andrew Falkous, so we thought you might enjoy his exclusive U.S. tour diary as well—its sentiment is actually kind of ...
MiC Label 23-01-2013 23 Jan 2013 | 01:33 pm
(«Στο Κόκκινο 105.5 FM», 00:00-02:00 Π.Μ.) 1. Future of the Left - Polymers are forever 2. mewithoutYou - East Enders wives 3. Villagers - Earthly pleasure 4. of Verona - Castles 5. The Monochrome Se...
Is Dennis Skinner the real face of the Labour Party? 21 Jun 2013 | 01:12 pm
The future of the left? No, of course he isn't. But the fact that all parties contain a broad spectrum of opinion did not stop Labour List yesterday from strongly implying that the fact that a few M...
Future Archaeologists 25 Aug 2013 | 07:00 pm
We recently received this note. We can not independently verify the facts, but reprint it in its entirety: Future archeologists have left us a series of Letters from the Future, trying to decipher wh...
24/07/13 – Week 30 – Weaving Futures 24 Jul 2013 | 11:37 am
48 HOURS left! Keep up the good rythm! Thanks to our great contrinutors we have succeeded to raise $2,250, which represents half of the target! We still have 48 hours to reach our goal! Lets help the...