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Promocja dnia: Trening mentalny biegacza. Jak utrzymać motywację 27 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Jesteś w stanie samodzielnie wyćwiczyć swoją motywację i umocnić determinację w dążeniu do celu, by biegać coraz dalej i coraz szybciej. W tej książce Jeff Galloway prezentuje zestaw metod treningowyc...
Nowość: Jak oczarować klientów w sklepie, czyli merchandising z elementami psychologii zachowań konsumenckich 26 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Ta książka w sposób kompleksowy wprowadzi Cię w świat merchandisingu. Lekturę zaczniesz od definicji pojęcia, jego historii oraz trendów rozwojowych w Polsce i na świecie. Następnie spojrzysz na swój ...
More One Press related news:
10,000 in One Press Conference 13 Oct 2011 | 09:30 pm
ISANG LITRONG LIWANAG BREAKING THROUGH TRADITIONAL NGO EFFORTS, USING THE SOCIAL NETWORK TO REACH MILLIONS Manila, Philippines – What started out as a small project headed by My Shelter Foundation’s ...
How to Install the Official Facebook App on your iPad 27 Jul 2011 | 02:50 am
These are instructions on how to install the leaked official FaceBook app on your iPad. To perform this tutorial you will need a jailbroken device. Step One Press to launch the App Store from your S...
Unlocked iPHONE 4, 3G & 3GS 20 May 2011 | 03:56 am
Below are the instructions of how to unlock your iPhone 4, 3G & 3GS using UltraSnow. Note: for iOS 4.0 firmware only. Step One: Press to launch Cydia Installer from your SpringBoard. Step Two: Press ...
Logitech Harmony One Advanced Universal Remote 20 Oct 2011 | 08:46 pm
The color touch screen and sculpted buttons, organized into logical zones with backlighting, give you easy, one-touch access to your home entertainment – even in the dark. Just one press and you're wa...
Unlocked iPHONE 4, 3G & 3GS 19 May 2011 | 11:56 pm
Below are the instructions of how to unlock your iPhone 4, 3G & 3GS using UltraSnow. Note: for iOS 4.0 firmware only. Step One: Press to launch Cydia Installer from your SpringBoard. Step Two: Press ...
The Answer: How TripAdvisor Rankings Are Calculated 12 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Given the popularity of TripAdvisor and the impact of hotel reviews on ADR and RevPar, hoteliers and guests want to know the answer to one pressing question: How are TripAdvisor Rankings calculated? ...
Petco Asks: Are You A Great One? 7 Aug 2013 | 03:13 am
PRESS RELEASE: San Diego, CA (August 2013) – Every day, in every way, pet parents are there for their pet. A great pet parent shares a unique bond with their pet and goes out of their way to care for ...
LG G2 And Blue HTC One Press Shots Leaked 7 Aug 2013 | 04:07 pm
Later today, LG will unveil the much awaited G2 smartphone. However, @evleaks has already shared the leaked press shot of this powerful device. The leaked pic reveals the front and back side of LG’s f...
First Glimpse of Blue HTC One Casing Shows Up Online 26 Aug 2013 | 08:27 pm
Not too long ago we shared a leak of a blue HTC One press render. After that we haven't seen very much about the device. Of course, our internet is a technological marvel of rapidly evolving informati...
National tax cut battle turns intense in Missouri 27 Aug 2013 | 04:34 pm
Millions of dollars spent broadcasting ads. Alarming fliers and phone calls targeting homes. Politicians barnstorming from one press conference to the next.