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Holocaust Conference for High School Students 13 Mar 2013 | 03:59 am

For the first time, Pacific Lutheran University’s Annual Powell-Heller Conference for Holocaust Education will offer a program designed specifically for high school students. The conference, now in it...

Association of Pacific Rim Universities 17 Mar 2011 | 07:35 pm

Association of Pacific Rim Universities APRU(アプル)は、環太平洋地域の16か国(地域)42大学が加盟する国際大学連合です。環太平洋圏の主要大学間の相互理解を深めることにより、環太平洋地域社会にとって重要な諸問題(たとえば経済発展、都市化、技術移転、地球温暖化、高齢化社会等)に対し、教育・研究の分野から協力・貢献することを目的として、1997年に設立さ...

Review of 1390 Marz Haye Danesh programs 18 Mar 2012 | 12:00 pm

3.18.2012 Guest of the Week: Dr. Kamran Abedini; California State Polytechnic University Dr. Ali Akbari; California Lutheran University Dr. Behrokh(Berok) Khoshnevis; University of Southern California...

The Anatomy of the Economic Crisis of 2008-2011: A Global Outlook for 2012-2015 11 Mar 2012 | 12:00 pm

3.11.2012 Guest of the Week: Dr. Ali Akbari California Lutheran University Host: Dr. Kamran Abedini {play}{/play} Dr. Alireza Akbari is a...

The Solar Water Fountain 14 Apr 2011 | 03:03 pm

Engineering students at the California Lutheran University (CLU) recently unveiled a solar-powered drinking fountain that they built themselves. The fountain, which resembles a waterwheel, was dedicat...

Live Chat: CLU professors to discuss Middle East 27 Aug 2013 | 02:27 am

Two professors from California Lutheran University will conduct a live discussion starting at 6 p.m. Thursday, live streaming on, about current events in the Middle East.

Odhajam za 2 leti na študij v ZDA 27 Jul 2010 | 09:18 pm

Proti koncu avgusta se selim v ZDA za 2 leti na podiplomski študij. Študiral bom v toplih krajih, na Havajih, na Hawai’i Pacific University. Študiral bom na programu Master of Science in Information S...

About Zac 18 Apr 2011 | 04:19 am

Zac Estrada is a Northeastern University journalism and political science student. He is a contributor to Streetwise Media in Boston, and has written for the Santa Barbara Independent and Pacific Coas...

Hawaii Pacific University Cuts Competitive Cheer & Dance Team 11 May 2012 | 05:07 am

Hawaii Pacific University’s (HPU) competitive cheerleading and dance programs are being restructured as part of the overall HPU strategic planning process, which is intended to bring all university ac...

Erik Flora on the SuperTour FInals Mass Start 23 Jun 2011 | 12:57 pm

Alaska Pacific University Coach Erik Flora Video R&#97&#116&#105ng: 5 / 5

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