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Nominata dos candidatos à escolha para os novos Curadores da FAT 15 Aug 2012 | 01:04 am
O pleito que transcorrerá no próximo dia 29 de agosto. Cada professor poderá votar somente em um dos candidatos. -ANA LUIZA CABRAL RISCH; -ANA MARIA OLIVEIRA BICCA; -ANA PAULA TORRES; -DANIEL CARL...
PIBID inicia suas atividades dia 08/08 8 Aug 2012 | 01:11 am
O projeto de Integração Universidade/Escola: Tecendo Saberes e Fazeres Docentes, aprovado pela Capes, bem como seus subprojetos, iniciam suas atividades no dia 08/08. O lançamento está previsto para à...
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Divulgado Novo Esquadrão Ultra!!! Sim, ele existe… 4 Feb 2012 | 05:13 am
UPF Ultra Police Force A Tsuburaya desde os eventos do Tsunami que atingiu a região de Fukushima vem fazendo um trabalho junto a comunidade para angariar fundos para as vitimas do desastre. 350 va...
Terramar Pro Mesh T-Shirt - Short Sleeve - Men's 1 Nov 2011 | 03:28 pm
With the Terramar Pro Mesh T-Shirt you get a technical top that features 360-degree stretch tech, a UPF-rating of 25, and an antimicrobial treatment for the ultimate in on-trail comfort. Price: $7.99 ...
Comunicat 14M – Assemblea PAS i PDI 15 Mar 2009 | 04:48 am
Documento bilingüe (Castellano / Catalán) L’Assemblea de PAS i PDI – Universitats Catalanes reunits el 14 de març comunica: 1) El seu desacord amb el desallotjament dels estudiants a la UPF, impedin...
sports: Columbia Men's Mountain Tech Half Zip 7 Jan 2012 | 05:15 am
Columbia Men’s Mountain Tech Half Zip List Price: $37.95 100 percent polyester jersey. Omni-wick advanced evaporation. UPF 15 sun protection. Made in vietnam. List Price: $37.95 Your Price: – ...
El caso de Bankia irrita por previsible 22 May 2012 | 05:30 pm
Guillem López Casasnovas: "El caso de Bankia irrita por previsible" Desde su perspectiva como consejero del Banco de España y catedrático de la UPF, López-Casasnovas nos da una visión realista del fut...
Interesante video sobre posicionamiento SEO 6 Oct 2011 | 08:05 am
Os dejo el siguiente video: Mesa Redonda del Máster en Buscadores del IDEC-UPF from IDEC UPF on Vimeo. En donde dos ganadores de concursos de posicionamiento explican las estrategias de SEO utilizad...
Peter Koudijs (PhD in Economics, Finance and Management by the UPF, 2011) has won the 2012 Thirsk-Feinstein PhD Dissertation Prize awarded by The Econ... 16 Apr 2012 | 10:00 pm
Peter Koudijs (PhD in Economics, Finance and Management by the UPF, 2011) has won the 2012 Thirsk-Feinstein PhD Dissertation Prize in Economic and /or Social History awarded by The Economic History So...
Filippo Ippolito and Ander Perez have been awarded the Best Paper Award in the 2012 Paul Van Arsdell Award in Corporate Finance 28 Mar 2012 | 10:00 pm
Filippo Ippolito and Ander Perez, professors of the Department of Economics and Business of the UPF, have been awarded the Best Paper Award in the 2012 Paul Van Arsdell Award in Corporate Finance for ...
The Department of Economics and Business of the UPF holds the first position in Spain in the field of Economics, Business and Management in the ISI Ra... 28 Feb 2012 | 01:00 am
The Department of Economics and Business of the UPF ranks the first position in the field of Economics, Business and Management on the second edition of the "ISI Rankings of the Spanish Universities a...
A study of José García Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol shows the connection between the level of education of political leaders of a country and its ... 11 Feb 2012 | 01:00 am
A study of José García Montalvo and Marta Reynal-Querol, faculty of the Department of Economics and Business of the UPF, shows the connection between the level of education of political leaders of a c...