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昨日香港、今日上海、今夜安徽 17 Jul 2013 | 03:10 pm

昨日、深センから香港に陸路で行って、香港滞在時間10分で深センに戻って空港行って、飛行機飛ぶがいつも通り2時間ぐらい遅れて、昨日の深夜に上海着いて、今日は高速列車で安徽に向かっとる。きっと明日は超田舎町じゃ。 iphoneからブログ更新してみたんじゃが、書けてるかの。

EVO2013真っ盛りけ 13 Jul 2013 | 10:58 pm

久しぶりじゃのう。1年以上ブログ更新するの忘れとった。 今、わしがどこにおるかというと、深センなんじゃ。 シャオハイとか大口がおらんから、どうしたのかなーと思ったら、今EVOやっとた。 さっき、ニュースサイトで結果をチラっと見て、中華サイトに上がってる動画をちょこっと見ただけじゃが、今回は日本勢は、sakoさんウメさんときどさんハイタニさんが残っとるらしいの。いゃー、こりゃすごいわ。 さて、...

More alex valle related news:

AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable Review at Weds Night Fights! 24 Apr 2013 | 05:33 am

AVerMedia Live Gamer Portable Review at Weds Night Fights! – POSTPONED Our very own Frank Reyes and Alex Valle will be talking about AVerMedia’s latest game capture device at Weds...

Rushdown LIVE with Alex Valle! 24 Feb 2013 | 10:15 am

Rushdown LIVE with Alex Valle! Rushdown LIVE is a new show featuring various lesson plans, match insight, viewer participation and more from fighting game legend Alex Valle. The pilot episode...

The Ninja Roasts DiggNation 20 Jan 2012 | 07:04 am

Here's a piece that the Ninja did to roast Kevin and Alex during the final DiggNation. Full Ninja episode next week. http://askaninj...

Анимированные аватары 20 Feb 2009 | 09:01 am

В раздел анимированные аватары буду добавляться только анимация и аватары, сделанные молодым человеком Alex Smith. Все аватары сделаны специально и эксклюзивно для нашего сайта Аватары.ру

Fergie feels lucky after White Hart Lane win 5 Mar 2012 | 03:15 pm

Sir Alex Ferguson admits the Red Devils were lucky to leave White Hart Lane with all three points, but hailed the 3-1 victory over Tottenham as a "massive result."

A-CAM? CAM-ROD? WE-IRD? 22 Dec 2010 | 01:39 pm

I’m still amazed that Cameron Diaz and Alex Rodriguez are an “item”.  Trippy stuff.   Above on vay-cay in Mexico recently with A-Dad’s kids. And you know what is almost as trippy?  A bald ape.   Like...

Get Alex Jeffreys latest thing … for free? 2 Dec 2009 | 05:18 am

Hi, Without the drama and fanfare, I’d like to ask you to Abandon Everything You THOUGHT You Knew About Profiting Online for the next few moments!!! You Can Flat-Out HAVE It ALL for FREE! Check it...

Small Sustainable Cabin – Ragged Island, Maine 18 Jan 2012 | 09:23 am

This small, off-grid, sustainable cabin on Ragged Island twenty miles from the coast of Maine was the brainchild of the owner’s architectural designer daughter, Alex Scott Porter, who designed the str...

Alex Gaudino / I Love Rock N Roll feat. Jason Rooney 1 May 2009 | 10:30 pm

Жанр: House Продолжительность: 03:15 Видео: MPEG4, 866 Звук: AAC, 190

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