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Discuz社区邮箱验证收不到激活邮件的问题分析 7 Apr 2013 | 11:13 am

一、开启邮discuz社区邮箱验证功能,两个地方都可以开启 1、Discuz! X2论坛的设置是:后台--全局--注册与访问里面选择新用户注册验证:为Email 验证 2、进入后台--全局--防灌水设置--防灌水基本设置--强制新用户验证激活邮箱选择"是". 二、设置邮件发送服务器 进入后台-> 站长->邮件设置->设置 1、选中通过 SOCKET 连接 SMTP 服务器发送...

intel s5000vsa服务器主板不支持USB-HDD启动安装 8 May 2012 | 07:14 am

现在安装服务器基本上不用光驱了,使用非常方便的USB-CDROM,或者USB-HDD 其中,USB-HDD最为方便制作 linux系统使用UNetbootin,windows系统使用wintoflash 我比较喜欢USB-HDD,大部分的服务器主板都支持,遗憾的是发现使用非常多的低端服务器主板intel s5000vsa不支持USB-HDD,给大家带来很多不便。intel的主板看来远比不过他家...

More amazon ec2 running windows related news:

Get Started with Amazon EC2, Run Your .NET MVC3 (Razor) Site in the Cloud with Linux Mono 13 Dec 2011 | 11:30 am

I’ve recently been getting pretty excited about Amazon EC2 once I realized you can setup a micro linux server for free to learn and test out their services. I know, a couple years behind the curve rig...

Mongod error | exception in initAndListen std::exception: locale::facet::_S_create_c_locale name not valid 11 Apr 2013 | 10:08 am

I got this error while trying to start mongodb on amazon ec2. Running this command in the terminal solved the problem. export LC_ALL=C I don’t have any idea about what it means at this time except tha...

Monitor Your Servers and EC2 Instances with Cacti 15 Apr 2009 | 02:24 pm

I recently had the job of setting up cacti on an Ubuntu an Amazon EC2 Instance, so I thought I’d share with you all how to get it running, and what you can monitor with it. Note: This tutorial is desi...

Amazon EC2 now powered by high performance storage (benchmark) 20 Jul 2012 | 11:53 pm

A while ago I had a discussion with someone about the future of server infrastructure. Among other things, we were wondering whether companies will continue to run on dedicated servers or if eventuall...

A quick look at Windows Azure IaaS 15 Jun 2012 | 03:57 am

I played around a bit with Windows Azure IaaS to see how it stacks up against Amazon EC2. We use Amazon EC2 internally for some test and demo setups that don’t always have to be running. As a practic...

BitNami Alfresco Cloud VM 28 Aug 2012 | 05:03 pm

BitNami Alfresco Cloud VM is a pre-configured, ready to run image for running Alfresco on Amazon EC2. Alfresco is an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system featuring Document Management, Web Conte...

Elastic Beanstalk 19 Dec 2012 | 08:08 pm

Elastic Beanstalk 2011 | 86 Pages | ISBN: 1449306640 | EPUB + MOBI | 10 MB + 14 MB While it’s always been possible to run Java applications on Amazon EC2, Amazon’s Elastic Beanstalk makes the process ...

Amazon EC2 Linux SSH über PuTTY Private Key unter Windows 20 Mar 2013 | 05:53 pm

Als ich heute meine erste Amazon EC2 Instanz erstellt habe, hab ich "nur" einen SSH Key bekommen. Nun möchte ich kurz erklären, wie man mit Hilfe dieses Key's unter Windows eine Verbindung zu seiner C...

Amazon EC2 Linux SSH über PuTTY Private Key unter Windows 20 Mar 2013 | 05:53 pm

Als ich heute meine erste Amazon EC2 Instanz erstellt habe, hab ich "nur" einen SSH Key bekommen. Nun möchte ich kurz erklären, wie man mit Hilfe dieses Key's unter Windows eine Verbindung zu seiner C...

Azure xsmall 與 Amazon micro instance 上的 MySQL 常常 crash 的解決方式 24 Apr 2013 | 04:02 pm

Windows Azure 虛擬機器的 xsmall 與 Amazon EC2 Micro instance 因為不像一般 VPS 主機 有 Swap Disk,MySQL 容易因為記憶體不足就 crash 掉。 因此我們可以這樣子手動在主機上增加 Swap File。

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