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5 Lame Board-Game Movies That Would Be Better Than Battleship 18 May 2012 | 02:54 am

No idea is too lame for Hollywood. With the release of “Battleship,” board-game-”inspired” movies are poised to be the next hot thing in Tinseltown. In fact, there’s already a Candyland film in the wo...

Plus when compared to other board games 16 Mar 2012 | 06:21 pm

By the point it involves the only up of games, Battleship games are not really the first ones that come to mind. Plus when compared to other board games in the market, the current one is not as intera...

Battleships 17 Dec 2008 | 01:05 am

Flash version of the board game. Your mission is to find out the location of enemy fleet and destroy them before they destroy yours

Battleship! The Board Game Movie For People Who Don’t Like Board Games. Or Movies. 22 May 2012 | 07:25 am

In the world of Hollywood marketing, it is fairly common for a hit movie to inspire a board game.  Such spinoffs usually result in a transparent attempt to make a quick buck (such as three different T...

7 Movies Based on Board Games 18 May 2012 | 04:14 pm

If you haven't already heard, the highly-anticipated film, Battleship, will set sail today, and, depending on whether it sinks or swims, we may see an increase in board game-themed movies in the n...

Pinned Paper Note PSD Mockup 28 Feb 2013 | 03:11 pm

Friends, this is a notepaper PSD mockup pinned to a wooden board. This is one creative way to showcase your... Read More »

Let’s recap… 10 Oct 2012 | 10:31 pm

So get this... Romney will Cut taxes by 20% across the board build 12 new Battleships and 3 New Subs a year keep benefits for Medicare and Social Security Bennies the same (for about 10 years then....

Shadow Ranks 24 Aug 2013 | 04:01 pm

Preview​ View attachment 72 ​ Brought to you by​ Summary: A variety of coloured ranks that may appeal to dark gaming boards/sites. The PSD is provided which is fully layered, sliced s...

Va invit ca impreuna sa promovam companiile ( si produsele acestora) infiintate si dezvoltate de femei. Ma bazaz si pe voi! 8 Aug 2013 | 07:08 pm

Deputatul Ana Birchall (PSD), membru în Global Advisory Board al prestigiosului ONG  WEConnect International, primeşte susţinerea acestuia pentru promovarea afacerilor înfiinţate şi dezvoltate de feme...

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