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Vertus Fluid Mask 3.3.5 Portable 27 Aug 2013 | 10:13 am
Vertus Fluid Mask 3.3.5 Portable | 39.86 Mb Fluid Mask plug - in for Photoshop (available for all graphic editors, потдерживающих format .8bf). The essence of the functioning of the product lies in t...
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 27 Aug 2013 | 10:12 am
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) 720p BluRay x264-WiKi 2013 | 2h 12mn | 7.02GB Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 6 channels, s16 (eng) Audio: ac3, 48000 Hz, 6 channels, s16 (chi) Video: h264, yuv420p, 1280x536, 24....
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Full Circle: From Derrick Bell, to the New Black Panthers, to the White House 12 Mar 2012 | 11:11 am
Over at Powerline, John Hinderaker points out the two degrees of separation linking Obama’s embrace of Derrick Bell at Harvard in 1992, and Bell’s statement in 1994 that “we should really appreciate” ...
Links for 2010-07-19 [Digg] 20 Jul 2010 | 07:00 pm
The Root Interview with Green Activist Malik Rahim The former Black Panther and founder of Common Ground Relief is biking from Louisiana to Washington to raise awareness about the environmental havoc...
Message from the Black Riders Liberation Party 27 Apr 2012 | 10:45 pm
Power To The People! Revolutionary Greetings! The Black Riders considers itself to be the new generation Black Panther Party for Self-Defense. We are a Black Revolutionary organization that stands ag...
Black Panther Wallpapers - Animals Hq Backgrounds 21 May 2012 | 04:42 am
The Black Panthers in my town: a look at how the press shaped local activist history 1 Apr 2010 | 05:52 am
The media prime us in ways of thinking about the world, particularly in terms of whom we accept and dismiss as legitimate or illegitimate political actors. In this way, the media frame and “crystalliz...
black panther karate UIN Alauddin 6 Mar 2010 | 08:15 pm
Sejarah Karate di Indonesia Di tahun 1964, kembalilah ke tanah air salah seorang mahasiswa Indonesia yang telah menyelesaikan kuliahnya bernama Drs. Baud A.D. Adikusumo(Alm). Beliau adalah seorang kar... 15 May 2010 | 03:11 pm
All Power To The People "The Black Panther" Merdeka Belum "Wiji Thukul"
Myriam l’Anti Joséphine Baker 12 Nov 2008 | 05:07 am
Ci-dessous Myriam Makeba et Stokey Carmichael leader Black Panthers à Alger 1971 Parmi les mélodies qui me hantent depuis ma plus lointaine enfance, figure un refrain lancinant et tenace qui revient ...
Black panther wallpaper 23 Apr 2012 | 08:36 am
Size: 533 KB (545.899 bytes) Resolution: 1920 × 1200 Description: Wallpaper of magnificent black cat.
The Assassination of Fred Hampton 3 Apr 2012 | 12:43 pm
On December 4, 1969, just a few months after I moved to Chicago, Black Panthers Fred Hampton and Mark Clark were shot to death by Chicago police who kicked in their apartment door at 4:00 a.m. and fir...