Most blackest night portfolio related news are at:

Star Wars #7 12 Apr 2013 | 09:55 pm
STAR WARS #7 Written by: Brian Wood Art by: Ryan Kelly, Dan Parsons (Inks) Colors by: Gabe Eltaeb Cover by: Rodolfo Migliari On sale July 10 FC, 32 pages $2.99 Ongoing Princess Leia takes the Rebel...
Star Wars 14 Mar 2013 | 05:03 am
STAR WARS #6 Written by Brian Wood Art by Carlos D’Anda Colors by Gabe Eltaeb Cover by Rodolfo Migliari When he and Chewbacca are cornered by Imperials, Han Solo resorts to an improvised plan—wit...
More blackest night portfolio related news:
Superman: The Black Ring Reviews 5 Nov 2010 | 06:11 pm
Superman: The Black Ring When Lex Luthor finally regained control of LexCorp, he thought he had everything he wanted. But in BLACKEST NIGHT, he briefly became an Orange Lantern and got a taste of tru...
Justice League Unlimited 19 Sep 2011 | 05:45 am
Season 1 (28 episodes) 1. Episode 1 Secret Origins (1) 2. Episode 2 Secret Origins (2) 3. Episode 3 Secret Origins (3) 4. Episode 4 In Blackest Night (1) 5. Episode 5 In Blackest Night ...
Blackest Night Cheat Sheet 10 Feb 2010 | 08:56 am
In case anyone is interested or knows someone who is, I've posted a quickie relevance reading guide for all the Blackest Night hoopla over at Trustyhenchmen. Considering how expensive it could be to t...
Reseña - "Blackest Night: JSA" #2 2 Feb 2010 | 07:39 am
Como era de esperarse, James Robinson volvió a escribir un capítulo nefasto de esta mini-serie y arruinó por completo el buen trabajo que había hecho en "Starman"_#81. No digo que el número sea malo d...
Reseña - "The Atom and Hawkman" #46 (Serie Resucitada/One-Shot de "Blackest Night") 2 Feb 2010 | 07:18 am
Era evidente que este cómic sería de mediana importancia para "Blackest Night", pues más allá de estar relacionado con "Blackest_Night"_#6 y con "Green_Lantern"_#50, aquí profundizaría en uno de los p...
Reseña - "Green Lantern" #50 ("Balckest Night") 2 Feb 2010 | 07:12 am
Tal y como era de esperarse este #50 de "Green Lantern" fue exactamente lo que Geoff Jonhs dijo que sería: un "Blackest Night" #6.5, ni más ni menos. Este número no solo es de vital importancia para e...
Reseñas Breves - "The Phantom Stranger" #42 - "Starman" #81 (Series Resucitadas/One-Shots de "Blackest Night") 24 Jan 2010 | 03:30 pm
Además de "Green Lantern Corps" #44 y "Blackest-Night:-The-Flash"-#2, esta semana salieron dos cómics más relacionado con La Noche Más Oscura y éstos son dos títulos "resucitados": "The Phantom Strang...
Green Lantern TV Spot 15 Nov 2010 | 02:36 pm
You may enjoy below a first TV spot of the upcoming live-action Green Lantern movie: In brightest day. In blackest night. No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might beware my ...
Batman Wants Brains In DLC For Injustice: Gods Among Us 11 Mar 2013 | 05:46 pm
Injustice: Gods Among Us isn’t out yet but already we have a DLC announcement! The first DLC will be based off of the Blackest Night story arc and get this…will feature a zombie version of Batman! Wat...
Living Legends – Anime Kon 2013: Brightest Day, Blackest Night… 27 Aug 2013 | 04:56 am
Here’s Nick Fury, uh, no that was last year… This is John Stewart, totally unlike Freundel – willing to make a decision and makes plenty of appearances to the public at large! John Stewart was an arc...