Most blog fifties years related news are at:

23 Jul 2013 | 08:51 pm
I hope some of my followers are still around. I am planning on starting a new project this fall late Summer. I realized my site has been down for a few weeks and I have been inattentive to it. That wi...
21 April 1951 “Movie for a Sunday: Young Wive's Tale” 21 Apr 2013 | 09:59 pm
Well, here we are again another Sunday. I hope you enjoy today’s film. It features a very small roll for a future star Audrey Hepburn. The film is about the post-war housing crisis and in this scenar...
More blog fifties years related news:
A new Objective-C library for a new generation of APIs 1 Sep 2011 | 07:45 am
Greg Tom By Greg Robbins and Tom Van Lenten, Software Engineers Cross-posted with the Google Code Blog Four years ago, we introduced an Objective-C library for Google Data APIs. At first, it suppo...
Guice² 20 May 2009 | 02:21 pm
After two years in the making, it's official. We've released Guice 2! Here's Jesse's announcement from the Google Code Blog: Two years ago, Bob Lee and Kevin Bourrillion open sourced Google Guice 1.0...
Oh, right. 12 Jan 2011 | 09:23 am
Almost missed it. Almost. Today marks my fourth year in blogging. Four years, unless you just count count the actual time dedicated to writing the things I write, which probably amounts to less than ...
A Snapshot of the Future 13 Jan 2012 | 03:18 pm
The first photograph was taken in 1814, by Joseph Niepce, using a camera obscura. Exactly a century later, in 1914, the very first 35mm still camera was developed. Fifty years later, in 1973, Polaroid...
8 Personal Branding Predictions for 2012 15 Dec 2011 | 10:24 pm
I started blogging back in 2007 with the first iteration of the Personal Branding Blog. Each year, I wrote a post giving my predictions for the forthcoming year. In 2007, I talked about the “rise of c...
Fireplace mantel. A great way to upgrade your interior 28 Jun 2011 | 01:34 am
Fireplace mantel designs have always been the interior decorator challenge, although their purpose has shifted slightly in the last fifty years. Earlier fireplaces were the main source of heat during ...
Is your body receiving the essential nutrients it need? 20 Nov 2010 | 03:39 am
You may not have heard this term, but it could more to your health than you can possibly imagine. According to medical research for the last fifty years our diets have been wildly ‘out of true’ to o...
Do we care? 2 May 2009 | 08:10 pm
Do we care? Fifty years from now, Map of the world will change Many islands will disappear, Many islands will be submerged The world will be full of water ..... Fifty years from now House building i...
Thankful Blog, Thankful Year 2 Jan 2012 | 02:17 pm
Most of the time, we people tend to focus on the negative things. We tend to magnify our problems thus losing hope and focus. Why do I know this? Simple, because I have experienced it. In this blog, ...
Blogger Finger 15 Jul 2010 | 10:06 pm
Well! I've sure had a nice relaxing blog-free year. No worries, no haters, no Nooglers wandering by my office and staring at me through the window as if they expect me to crap in my hand and hurl it a...