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The South Devon Breed 18 May 2012 | 09:52 pm
Cattle are a source of milk and beef. Their hides are used to produce leather goods. The growing world population demands the proportionate increase in the cattle herds. To this end, new breeds of cat...
Meet Cliif and Maya from E. 28 St. and 5th Ave. 3 Aug 2011 | 02:09 am
Cliif and Maya from NYC Dog’s Name: Cliif and cat is Maya Owner’s Name: Carlos Dog Breed: Min-pin Cat Breed: Bengal Cat Block: E. 28 St. and 5th Ave. Dog’s favorite thing to do in NYC: Hang out ...
Hairless Cats General Information 1 May 2009 | 01:57 pm
Hairless Cats or Sphynx(also known as Canadian Hairless) is a rare breed of cat that known for their lack fur of coat. They're often mistaken as a dog because of their small body that resembles Chihua...
Persian Cat Health Care Tips and Tricks 1 May 2011 | 08:05 am
These days, Persian cats are among the most popular breeds of cat. It is true that Persian cats are very beautiful and they have gentle personalities and long hair.
Himalayan Kittens – The Best Companions 11 May 2010 | 10:18 pm
Himalayan kittens are the perfect choice in most situations to add to your family. Himalayan kittens are quickly becoming a popular breed of cat to own. Since they tend to be a very docile and loving ...
Siamese Cat Rescue – Best Loved Breed 17 May 2011 | 08:00 pm
Siamese Cat Rescue – Best Loved Breed The best known of all cat breeds the much loved Siamese cat has a rich heritage. Companions of royalty and featured in mystical tales, the Siamese cat is a breed...
Wholesale Excell Pressure Washer Reviews 16 Aug 2012 | 11:46 am Native to the country of Brazil, Brazilian Shorthair is a shorthair artful breed. The cat is still in almost antecedent stages as an official calm artful brand and is still no...
Cat Breed Names 17 Aug 2012 | 12:26 am
News and Pictures about cat breed names Cat Breeds, Types, Variants and Hybrids - THE MESSYBEAST The same name may be used by different registries for different breeds. The same type of cat may have d...
Persian Cat Health Care Tips and Tricks 1 May 2011 | 01:05 am
These days, Persian cats are among the most popular breeds of cat. It is true that Persian cats are very beautiful and they have gentle personalities and long hair.
Curious Cat With Eyebrows 2 Feb 2013 | 11:09 am
Like the title? Yea I was pretty surprised when I saw the pictures too. You might think it’s some new breed of cat but actually it’s just a normal domestic cat, pretty common as a pet actually. Only d...