Most cd autorun related news are at:

Code signing jar and exe files 2 Feb 2013 | 06:10 pm
It is possible to buy a single code signing certificate that can be used to sign both Java jar files and Windows executable exe files. A cheap source for a certificate is Tucows with one year current...
CiviCRM profile search block 12 Jul 2012 | 09:44 pm
On a CiviCRM 4 site I help run, there is a profile search form exposed to authorised public users of the Drupal site. This form provides many search options including the selection of a region of the...
More cd autorun related news:
Abyssmedia SiteInFile Compiler 30 May 2012 | 08:46 pm
Abyssmedia SiteInFile Compiler | 1.9 Mb Create professional presentations, cd autoruns and eBooks using SiteInFile technology. SiteInFile Compiler compress HTML pages or entire site with all ...
Mudahnya membuat CD Autorun dengan AutoPlay Media Studio 7.5.1000.0.exe dan AutoRunPro.exe 10 Jun 2010 | 12:32 am
Teaman-teman pernah membeli majalah, tabloid komputer/hp yang berbonus cd software kan? Waktu kita masukan cd bonus ke cd drive otomatis tampil Menu CD. Gimana sih buat cd autorun? Berbekal rasa pen...
Membuat Autorun.bat untuk Membuka file HTML di CD 26 Oct 2011 | 04:27 pm
Autorun atau autoplay merupakan fitur kecil yang bisa ditambahkan ke dalam CD untuk membuka file lain yang bisa dijalankan ketika … Continue reading »
Mendisable CD Autorun 10 Jun 2010 | 06:18 am
Berikut cara mendisable CD Autorun di Windows Langkah-langkah : Klik start >> run >> GPEDIT.MSC >> Computer Configuration >> Administrative Templates >> System >>pada bagian kanan cari kata Turn off ...
partition Disk එකකට කැමති Icon හා cd එකකට autorun එකක් දාමු 24 Sep 2010 | 10:05 pm
හුග කාලයෙකින් ලිපියක් එහෙම ලියන්නත් බැරිව ගියානේ ඉතින් මේ නම් කියන්න හදන්නේ හැමෝටම වැදගත් හා සමහරු දන්න දෙයක් ඒත් ඉතින් අනිත් අයටත් කියන්න එපෑ නැත්තම් පවුනේ? ඉතින් ඔන්න අද කියන්න යනවා ඒවා ඔන්න මු.....
Download CD/DVD Linux “Distro Nusantara IGN 2009″ 9 Nov 2009 | 04:42 pm
distro-nusantara Jika Anda suka dengan software Open Source & Legal, ada berita bagus. Hari Sabtu, 7 November 2009, Pusat Penelitian Informatika (P2I), Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) resmi...
[Updated] FAQ for How to Create a Windows XP Setup CD for a Preloaded Windows System 29 Mar 2011 | 05:00 pm
Another frequently asked question has been added to the FAQ for How to Create a Windows XP Setup CD for a Windows-Preloaded System. This one deals with the error message from the service pack updater ...
How to burn a Blu-ray or AVCHD video disc using ImgBurn 16 Mar 2011 | 10:34 pm
ImgBurn is free a DVD and Blu-ray recording application from the creator of DVD Decrypter. It started as a pure image burner, meaning you could use it to burn ready cd image files, like .iso or .bin t...
How to burn a DVD-Video disc using ImgBurn 25 Feb 2011 | 02:16 am
ImgBurn is free a DVD and Blu-ray recording application. It started as a pure image burner, meaning you could use it to burn ready cd image files, like .iso or .bin to CDs and DVDs but as the years pa...
The language of losers 14 Aug 2011 | 02:10 am
FREE CD: If you act quickly, you have a chance to get my FREE CD that discusses how to END cheating and betrayal by women. Just imagine, if you didn’t have to worry about a woman cheating or betraying...