Most child actors moving to la related news are at:

What Does AB1660 Mean for Your Child Actor? 25 Oct 2012 | 10:46 pm

AB1660 for Your Child Actor - If you live in California and have a child actor (or if you are a teen actor), you have probably heard about AB1660. You may wonder exactly what AB1660 is and what it mea...

What Does AB1660 Mean for Your Child Actor? 25 Oct 2012 | 10:46 pm

AB1660 for Your Child Actor - If you live in California and have a child actor (or if you are a teen actor), you have probably heard about AB1660. You may wonder exactly what AB1660 is and what it mea...

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Si ets guanyador, pots obtenir el teu domini .CAT gratuït 11 Oct 2012 | 02:09 am

Els membres de l’Associació estem convençuts que la bona salut del català a internet ve donada, en molt bona mesura, per la línia compartida de treball entre els diferents actors que ens move...

LA HIJA NATURAL (LOVE CHILD) - (Trailer) 2 Oct 2012 | 10:08 pm

IN THIS DEEPLY moving film, 18-year-old Maria decides to look for the father she has never met, after her mother dies in a tragic accident. She finds him in a nearby town, living in an old country hou...

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