Most convert myisam tom innodb related news are at:

Moving from OS X to Linux: Day One 27 Aug 2013 | 08:05 am
The thought of using Linux as a manager in a highly Windows- and Mac-centric corporate environment isn’t something to be taken lightly. Integrating with Active Directory, wrangling email with Microsof...
Get a rock-solid Linux touchpad configuration for the Lenovo X1 Carbon 25 Aug 2013 | 01:28 am
The X1 Carbon’s touchpad has been my nemesis in Linux for quite some time because of its high sensitivity. I’d often find the cursor jumping over a few pixels each time I tried to tap to click. This w...
More convert myisam tom innodb related news:
MySql Mass Convertion of Database Table’s Storage Engines from Other Types to InnoDB 26 Aug 2011 | 03:23 pm
A Few months back I had to convert moodle LMS database storage engine from MyISAM to InnoDB. Moodle has some 200+ databases and to manually convert each table takes an awful lot of time. My friend who...
PHP scripts for converting InnoDB to MyISAM database engine 27 Jan 2012 | 07:23 am
Tweet This PHP CODE snippets will change your database engine from InnoDB to MyISAM, this is useful when you need to save time manually changing all the tables from InnoDB to MyISAM, for example whe...
11.0.5 (6/29/12) 30 Jun 2012 | 12:40 am
Adds support for converting MySQL MyISAM tables to InnoDB before updating the database schema. Fixes Asset Discovery Connection synchronization to not overwrite the Asset Type when Do Not Overwrite E...
What is InnoDB and MyISAM and how to Convert MySql Database Tables from InnoDB to MyISAM 3 Jul 2013 | 10:39 pm
The following is a table comparison between InnoDB with MyISAM [crayon-51d5070424f7f306326573/] There is minor problem that MyISAM did not support Transactions and innoDB are more relialbe on atomicit...