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Social Gaming: The Future? 15 Oct 2011 | 07:36 pm
Social gaming seems like something that's been around forever, and it is indeed if your definition of the phrase is to hang out with some friends and play Halo all night. But what "social gaming" mean...
Our partner Todays Living magazine app release in AppStore for iPhone and iPad 21 Jul 2011 | 06:55 pm
Please support us and Today's Living! Now all magazine are publishing for free in limited time. 今日家居 - 雜誌書架 Description 設計靈感由此起‧生活品味箇中尋 《今日家居》為你的生活: 帶來風格各異的家居、意念非凡的商業空間,以及富獨特美感的酒吧、Cafe等娛樂熱點! 提供...