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Lee Joon le agradece a Yunho de DBSK 22 Apr 2011 | 03:13 pm
Lee Joon le agradece a Yunho P: De lo que tu (Lee Joon) recuerdes, las palabras de aliento de quién han dejado la mejor influencia en ti? R: U-Know Yunho hyung. El siempre ha sido muy honesto con su...
►►Suju’s Eunhyuk shows support to DBSK’s HoMin 9 Jan 2011 | 08:03 am
Super Junior’s Eunhyuk went to watch senior TVXQ’s comeback stage personally (,) showing support. Yesterday on the 7th, Eunhyuk went down to Seoul KBS building personally to watch the live comeback s...
DBSK - Wrong Number 12 Nov 2010 | 01:21 pm
Звонишь с проверкой больше двенадцати раз в день. Если случайно я с кем-то говорю, тут же приходят смс с подозрениями. "С кем ты разговариваешь в такое время?" Постоянно выдумываешь какую-то мифич...
DBSK - Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattandarou 10 Sep 2010 | 04:22 am
JaeJoong: Почему я влюбился тебя? Неважно сколько прошло времени Я все ещу думаю - ты была здесь Micky: Но ты пошла другой дорогой JaeJoong: Почему я не позвал тебя? Днями и ночами росли эмоци...
ATTENTION ALL MALAYSIAN/SINGAPOREAN CASSIOPEIANS! DBSK may be having one of their 3rd Asia Tour - Mirotic is Malaysia! Please refer to this post for more information!
fall in love again.... 30 Jul 2011 | 08:00 pm
ever since aku kenal dengan kpop which start time kegemilangan DBSk.... aku mula suka kat jaejoong sebab dia sangat jujur n memang semua org suka n sayag kat dia....ok kalau xpercaya ce tengok Happy t...
DBSK - Break Out MV 15 Jan 2010 | 10:14 pm
Guys!!! Finally after wating for long time... DBSK come back~!! With a new MV!! ... that what my elder sister said... Please leave a comment... #download# Lyric : I KEEP BREAK YOUR HEARTGET IT BABY ...
DBSK Dating On Earth 6 Jan 2010 | 09:09 pm
DBSK is back~! I thought these videos had done in 2006 but they upload them this year Watch them! Really really surprised me... (Untill today, the videos that have been eng subbed are part 1-5) E...
mE vS. tVxQ 20 Aug 2009 | 02:09 am
hahahuhu..... tension??? TVXQ Vs. DBSK!! fenomena group ney dah mula menular dlm diri Sl.. sjk duduk asrama ney dah mule minat group ney.. lagu2 dalam mp4 banyak lagu group ney.. minat giler dgn group...
THSK 27th Single – ‘Share The World/We Are One Piece’ 20 Feb 2009 | 11:28 pm
Ayayaya… Akhirnya gw comeback lagi buat posting berita penting nan important….huph…emang gak ada habisnya ngomongin DBSK or nama Jepangnya THSK…U-Know n anak buahnya bakal ngerilis 27th single terbaru...