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Muslim Search Engine Blocks ‘Forbidden’ Content 14 Aug 2013 | 03:48 am
CYBERSPACE â A new search engine launched in July aims to block internet content defined as haram, or forbidden, by Islamic law. According to the developers, a special filtering system excludes site...
Uniting Exhibitionists and Voyeurs Online 13 Aug 2013 | 02:27 am
By Peter Berton WILLEMSTAD, Curacao â Itâs a wonderful thing when exhibitionists and voyeurs can come together online, regardless of time zones, international borders and sexual preferences. For ...
More dorcel vision films related news:
50 Cent sera dans le film d’action The Pursuit 6 Oct 2011 | 09:54 pm
50 Cent sera la star du film d’action « The Pursuit », qu’il co-produit avec sa société Cheetah Vision Films. Le thriller parle d’un flic et d’un criminel qui font équipe par un concours de circonstan...
In Memory of Pablo Amaringo 18 Nov 2009 | 02:29 am
Pablo Amaringo’s Vision Almost exactly two months ago, my wife and I, and Alberto Roman were in Pulcalpa Peru interviewing Pablo for a book and a film. When we first arrived and met him he was beamin...
Topic sur return of the swamp thing 20 Apr 2010 | 01:36 pm
J'ai ecrit que je commencais un film et que par après le visionement je vous ferais un resumé. J'ai vue qu'un Adm. avait changé le titre pour que sa soit plus officielle genre!? Et puis là je me sui...
Mario Monti in Titanic: Monti all’orizzonte, calmi gli altri mari! 16 Apr 2012 | 08:18 pm
In onore dei lacrimoni di ieri 15 aprile 2012 scaturiti dalla visione del film Titanic vi dedico questo fantastico fotogramma monti all'orizzonte, calmi gli altri mari...
13 SHOCKTACULAR PHOTOS of WILLIAM CASTLE presented in DRIPPO-VISION 19 Nov 2009 | 04:13 pm
If you want to know how fun existence can be, do yourself a favor and buy The William Castle Film Collection. I'm also the spotlighted horror blogger at Zombos' Closet of Horror. Please read my shock...
Recensioni cinematografiche 15 May 2012 | 02:47 am
Questa rubrica bimensile vuole proporre ai lettori e alle lettrici una serie di consigli per la visione di film che, nell’era del cinema globalizzato che deve aderire ai diktat della politica capitali...
Filming Josef & Aimée 3 Feb 2011 | 05:06 pm
Director Ben Shirinian went into pre-production with a clear cinematic vision for his enchanting short film Josef & Aimée. Ben, together with 1st Assistant Director Chris Byrne, prepared an ambitious...
Stereoscopic Player 1.8 24 Mar 2012 | 07:29 am
Le lecteur vidéo de 3D en stéréoscopie de NVIDIA, 3D Vision Video Player, vous plonge dans des films en 3D avec la technologie 3D Vision. L'application intègre le support des fichiers AVI multidiffusi...
La prophétie des Andes 22 Feb 2011 | 04:25 am
Bonjour, D'après le film : La prophéties des Andes. 1 _ Riche de coïncidences et de rencontres opportunes qui semblent prédestinées... 2 _ En nous éveillant à ce mystère, nous créerons une vision du m...
Welcome to PSB Vision 28 Feb 2010 | 08:47 am
Production, Sound & Broadcast Media Services. Whether you’re looking for lighting design, lighting solutions for broadcast and events, technical consultancy, corporate AV, film and video production o...