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Recrutement ! 12 Mar 2011 | 12:21 am
Pour poursuivre notre aventure PVE, la guilde The Legenders a besoin d'un certain nombre de joueurs. Les classes recherchées sont : Druide TANK DK TANK Rogue Chamélio Prêtre Shadow Moonkin Prê...
Paladin vs Druid 27 Feb 2010 | 08:35 am
Earlier this month, Big Bear Butt had a series of blog posts comparing Druid tanking with Paladin tanking: Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin I Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin II Tanking Test! Druid vs Pa...
Paladin vs Druid 27 Feb 2010 | 12:35 am
Earlier this month, Big Bear Butt had a series of blog posts comparing Druid tanking with Paladin tanking: Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin I Tanking Test! Druid vs Paladin II Tanking Test! Druid vs Pa...
Zenonia 4 Druid Class Guide 26 Mar 2012 | 07:07 pm
OVERVIEW Druid’s caster / tank-type class, as in any other RPG, Shaman or Caster needs to have a good INT, and while in this class, he must have a good alternate HP / DEF. You have two options to cre...
A Day in the Life of a PuG Tank (Beruthiel) 13 Oct 2010 | 07:01 pm
This is a guest post from Beruthiel of Falling Leaves and Wings. She blogs about healing, raiding, and being a resto druid. *Yawn* *Stretch* Little Nadine stretches out after a bit of inactivity, lo...
[Druid]Antitanks in Cataclsym 30 Mar 2011 | 07:16 am
(the antitank image from that article oh so long ago - because russian dogs with explosives strapped to them charging tanks needs to be shown at least one more time) Recently we've got a lot - and I ...
Recrutement : Shinsuke , druide , lvl 80 13 Sep 2011 | 06:01 pm
Bonjour, PERSONNAGE PRINCIPAL ET REROLLS Nom : Shinsuke Classe : Druide Race : Elfe de la nuit Level : 80 Métiers et niveaux : TDC 140 ; dépeçage 300 Spé (Tank, Mélée, Dps, Heal) : 1ère spé dps...
Profession Guide – Druid 14 Jul 2010 | 02:19 pm
Depending on the spec the Druid class could play a tank, healer, caster or melee dps. A Druid is mainly leather wearer but could also wear cloth armor. Depending on the spec a Druid wants to play he/s...
GC gets involved in a DK discussion 16 Apr 2010 | 02:50 am
Love him or hate him, GC took the time to get pretty involved in a discussion about DK’s success and failures throughout WotLK. The discussion was in the tanking forums and titled “3.3.3 Worked (sorta...
10 Boxing WoW – Feedback Requested! 10 Aug 2012 | 07:30 am
I am thinking about 10 boxing again. The last time I did this was when WOTLK first came out, and I rolled 10x Shaman, or 9x Shaman 1x Resto Druid. Firstly, as you guys probably know, I love leveling a...